
Rebecca is here

Rebecca has decided to start blogging at last 🙂

While I’ll continue to blog about deals and offers as usual, she’ll be blogging about different interesting topics from fashion to humour to daily life … and deals too of course. So one thing is for sure, you’ll be getting more interesting and dynamic content and many more deals 🙂

I updated the “About” section. I’ll add more to it later.

Welcome Rebecca 🙂

Forum Sections Updated

I updated the forum sections today. I grouped the electronics and non-electronics deals sections into a single section and I also added some new sections: “Canadian Flyers”, “Contests” and “Coupons”

You’ll usually find many deals and freebies in the forum and you can also chit chat with a nice small group of friendly Canucks 🙂

Here is the Smart Canucks forum.

July’s Smartest Canucks

I’d like to thank everyone who’s contributing to this nice friendly community 🙂

The top Blog commenter last month was JimmyCanuck

The top Candy earners on the Forum last month were:
Candies CanadaLKB 793 candies
iced_faerie 466 candies
Shawnie 316 candies
julieonmymind 217 candies
cool-dudette 57 candies
Canadian Mark 55 candies
thilipan 55 candies

Each one of you gets 50 bonus Candies 🙂

JimmyCanuck, can you please create an account so that I can add your bonus candies.

Candies are redeemable for real gifts. You can find more info on the Candy Awards here.

Canadian Freebies Forum – Hundreds of Freebies

If you’re looking for Canadian Freebies checkout Freebies Forum.

iced_faerie, julieonmymind, LKB and Shawnie have posted hundreds of awesome Canadian freebies on there. I receive free stuff in the mail almost every weekday now! This is just crazy! Maybe I should do one of these silly things where I live for 1 week only on the free stuff I get 😉

Thanks iced_faerie, julieonmymind, LKB and Shawnie 🙂

You can find the Canadian freebies forum here.

Happy Canada Day! GST Cut Starts Today!

Happy Canada Day everyone 🙂

Just thought I’d let you know that the GST dropped by one percentage. GST has been reduced from 7% to 6%! Cheers to all Canadian shoppers out there 🙂

Harper promised to reduce GST to 5% so let’s see if he keeps his promise. We’re waiting for the second percentage drop Stephen. 😉

Canada Day Forum: Candies

Update: this only applies to members who registered before September 10th, 2006

If you registered after September 10th, 2006 Candies will only be for fun

I’m very excited to announce that forum is back with some interesting additions. I’m also giving away the iPod Nano I got from TD bank 🙂

I’ve been working on this idea for a couple of days and hopefully you’ll like it. Remember when I mentioned last month that I would share my ad revenue with my visitors? I’ve been thinking of a way of rewarding visitors who post more and help out and therefore I came up with an idea…

Whenever you post a new topic on’s forum you get 2 candies (not real candies, just points). When you reply to any topic you get quarter of a candy. When you have specific number of candies you can redeem them for actual gifts from me. Here is what you can redeem your Candies for:

500 candies: a small surprise gift chosen by me (Boo Radley) or one of my friends
900 candies: skincare cream (Vichy, RoC, etc.) or $15 gift card
1800 candies: an elegant bag or purse or $35 gift card
50000 candies: the iPod Nano I won from TD (first person only)

I’ll also have candy events every now and then where many candies can be won. You can see the amount of candies you have under your name in the forum:

Candy Rewards

Note that this is not a means of paying you for helping out… this is just a way of having fun on and making use of the little revenue I make. Hopefully I’ll get more sponsors soon and add more items to the above candy list 😉

What is your opinion of this idea? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
This will not affect my blog posts which I will continue as usual.
oh, one more thing…

I’d like to thank all of you who have been helping out, suggesting deals and providing feedback. Special thanks go to:

Thilipan and nolookingca for their contributions.
David Peralty for his constant support and advice.
Intelmic for constantly and frequently providing feedback and commenting on the deals I post. Thank you Intelmic… & btw do you play UT?
vangirl, Joel, Mithel, Bobo, dawn maher, Tammy, ceci and Christina for their regular feedback
Kelly, John and Sara for mentioning my blog on their blog. There might be other blogs that I don’t know of that mentioned my blog. If you did please let me know.
Canadian Mark and special k at work for their encouragement.

… and all of my visitors who pop in every now and then 🙂


I’m sorry for the slow updates….
I’ve been busy working on some design and content updates for I removed the lounge section for the time being since no one was posting in it. I’m working on a couple of new and hopefully interesting sections. Please bear with me and I’ll be back with some exciting stuff in a couple of days 🙂

To Advertise or Not to Advertise: That is the Question

I’ve been thinking for quite a while now as to whether or not I should advertise on I’m proud of’s clean elegant feeling that is unscarred by the ugly ads that have become a common seen on the Internet. At the same time,’s survival and success will require some financing.

After a lot of thought I decided to add a few ads but in return I’ll make things a little bit more interesting for’s contributors and visitors! I’ll split my ads revenue with you 🙂
– 50% will be shared amongst the 3 founders of
– 25% will be shared amongst’s contributors. Right now we have 3 contributors: Curiosity, nolookingca and Thilipan.
– 25% will go to (regular) visitors! I haven’t decided how… maybe through a contest or by rewarding the person with most comments, or other bloggers who posted about like David, John and Sara.

So basically every month, when I get a check from advertising I’ll post the amount here on and we’ll go on from there. I don’t expect to make a lot of money out of advertising, at least not at this stage. However as grows the check values should increase. If in 5 years time I’m making $0 or $1000 per month, the 50/25/25 ratio will not change.

What do you think of this idea? Should I remove or leave the ads? is Looking for Contributors

First of all, I’d like to welcome two new contributors to
Curiosity has generously volunteered to post Home Depot’s daily Hammer Drop deals if he has some spare time. Thank you curiosity and welcome to 🙂
nolookingca has also kindly volunteered to help post deals and shopping tips & tricks on Thanks a bunch nolookingca!

I’m still looking for contributors. If you’re interested in helping out or have interesting ideas/suggestions/requests that can help improve please email me at [email protected] or leave a comment below.

Hope you’re finding useful and I assure you that within the next couple of months I’ll continue to enhance while maintaining its nice clean interface.

Have a good day


If looks strange it’s because I’m changing its design right now…’s Design

I’m sorry for not posting as frequently as I used to. I was busy looking for a good new wordpress theme for but I couldn’t really find any prefect ones.

If anyone knows of any elegant wordpress themes that would suit please let me know.
– I’m looking for a 3 column design so that I can have all the Canadian flyer links on one side and then the sale and warehouse events as well as the daily deals like the McDonalds Value Picks, Subway deals etc. on the other side.
– I also prefer a red (but not necessarily bright red) themed wordpress template to present as a Canadian blog.

I’d love to hear your opinion. Please let me know if I should change’s design or stick to its current look.

I Hate Moola

If you google for moola invitations is the first search result: Check it here. This is driving large traffic to my website (not necessarily welcomed traffic since not all people looking for moola invitations are Canadians). I therefore sent an email to asking them to provide SmartCanucks visitors with invitations since I get too many requests. Fair?

I thought so until I got their reply. Their reply is just sad and disappointing:

Thank you for your inquiry.

We appreciate your interest and support in our site. While we recognize that your offer would be beneficial to us, we are currently limiting the number of invitations available in order to control the growth rate of the site. Therefore, we are unable to participate in your program at this time.

Again, we appreciate your interest and will keep your contact information on file for reference when considering future partnership opportunities.

Business Development Team

Well their “Business Development Team” have no clue about business development 🙁

Thanks Everyone :-)

Hello everyone!

I’d like to thank you all for your encouragement and support in building the community 🙂 I have a couple of announcements:

– Schwinn wrote about on Digg! Thank you very much Schwinn 🙂 that is so nice of you. Can everyone do me a little favour please and Digg this article:

– If you have any feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to leave a message using the form on the right sidebar or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you.

– If you’re interested in contributing to please let me know.

– I got many requests for invitations. I contacted moola and I think I should have more moola invitations for anyone interested very soon. I’ll keep you updated.

Have a great day

Suggest or Request a Deal now has a new form in its right Sidebar that allows you to suggest any good deals or request a specific deal. You can also use this form to send us any comments or suggestions that you might have.

Please feel free to use the form in any way you wish. We’d love to hear from you and we’d definitely appreciate your help in locating hot Canadian deals 🙂

Welcome to :) is a new website that is committed to making it easier for all Canadians to find deals, offers, discounts and freebies both online and at Brick and Mortar stores all over Canada. 

If you come across a hot deal while shopping please post it in our forum. If you’re looking for good deals please visit the forum too. 

I’ll also post a couple of interesting hot deals every now and then on the main page here. Below are the logos of some of the companies you can expect to find deals for in my upcoming posts. I hope you enjoy your stay and please just pass by the forum and say hello to other Smart Canucks :) Have a good day! 
The Smartest Canuck

Canadian Deals

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