Canadian Deals & Coupons
Buy 3 Santa’s Village passes online and get the 4th pass for free. If you had plans on going to Santa’s Village and you have 4 (or more) members in your family then this is just the right deal at the perfect time 😉
To get this offer go here and enter the code DM2602 and then click on “go” button to check out.
Have fun!
Home Depot has a daily deal they call a HAMMER DROP.  They try and have something for everybody, from tools to lights and furniture. There is no free shipping, but there are some good deals. I will try to post them everyday for OUR convenience. So here goes with my first post…… :) Â
The Great Outdoors Pinnacle
Pinnacle 60,000 BTU Propane Barbeque
MSRP $599.00
Hammer Drop $369.00
 560 sq. in Primary cooking area
• 5 Burner S/S
• 12,000 BTU cast brass side burner
• 12,000 BTU Rotisserie Burners
• Stainless steel cooking grids
• Stainless steel warming drawer
• Electronic Ignition System
• Made in Canada
Unique stainless steel design offers the ultimate cooking experience. With high quality and unmatched craftmanship, this BBQ will make any level of backyard griller look like a seasoned professional. The massive 560 square inch cooking area allows for all types of fare – steak, lobster, corn, garlic bread & more! An awesome grill that delivers truly delicious barbeque flavour.
Linked here
Looks like you can get a free mouse pad from KinderStart too! Now that’s just awesome. Click here to fill in survey and get free mouse pad.
If you’re not already a BzzAgent I strongly recommend you join and sign up for the campaign they are having. They will send you a free book “Anybody Out There” by Marian Keyes which retails for about $14. They will also mail you the BzzAgent book and some cool stickers all free of charge. You’ll be able to join their cool campaigns. I truly love BzzAgent 🙂
Here is the email they sent:
Greetings BzzAgent lilboops,
I know, I know, you haven’t heard from me in awhile and I apologize, but trust me, it was worth the wait.
During the next couple weeks and months, we’re going to be launching campaigns specifically for you — the Canadian BzzAgent. And I’m talking good campaigns too, from top clients, stuff you’ll really want to Bzz about.
However, for these campaigns to be sucessful we need MANY more Candian BzzAgents just like yourself. So tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbors, the postman, your co-workers, whoever you think would make an amazing BzzAgent to sign up. Bringing in great BzzAgents will not only ensure the success of these BzzCampaigns, but allow us to offer more in the future.
So what are you waiting for? Visit to start Bzzing and be sure to keep an eye on your inbox and My BzzHome page, we’ll be launching before you know it.
Let me know if you have any questions.
BzzAgent Jono
Today is the last day of Future Shop’s 10 days of deals. Wow, 10 days just flew by real quick!
Future Shop is trying to leave a good memory in our minds by ending the 10 days with a good deal. Today the Altec Lansing 2.1 Computer Speaker System (XA3021) is on sale for $19.99 (regular price $99.99).

These speakers look very funny and attractive. If you’re look for decent speakers with a subwoofer (but not a home theater) for your computer this deal is definitely for you. I strongly recommend this Future Shop deal. Just note that Future Shop won’t ship the speakers until 19th May, but unless you’re in a real hurry that shouldn’t be a prob. Here is a better picture that shows how cool these speakers look:
Check out the Altec Lansing 2.1 Computer Speaker System here
This concludes my coverage of Future Shop’s 10 days of deals. Hope you found my review useful and informative 🙂
Breyers Classic Ice Cream is on sale for $2.77 (regular price about $4.50) in this week’s A&P and Dominion flyers.
Note that the Ice cream on sale is the Breyers Classic not the Breyers Natural Ice Cream.
The classic comes in the following flavours (but don’t expect to find them all at your local A&P or Dominion):
Neapolitan – new
French Vanilla
Cookies & Cream
Heavenly Hash
Pralines & Cream
Chocolate light
Butterscotch Ripple
Mint Chocolatey Chip
Creamsicle Swirl
Strawberry Shortcake Swirl
Fudgsicle Fury
Maple Walnut
Maple Sugar Crunch
Vanilla Light
I personally find that Breyers light chocolate doesn’t taste as good as the regular chocolate Ice Cream. Yet, I noticed that while their light Ice cream has less fat it still has almost the same amount of calories.
Click here to read this week’s full A&P or Dominion grocery flyers.
Today is Day 9 of Future Shop’s 10 days of deals and it looks like May 13th isn’t our lucky day.

Today the Athena Micra 6 Speaker System (silver) is on sale for $299.99 (regular price $699.99). This deal is just crap in my opinion. Looks like Future Shop is trying to sell this slow moving product.
Today is Day 8 of Future Shop’s 10 Days of web only deals. Today’s deals is a refurbished (renovated) Palm Zire 72 32MB Bluetooth Handheld with Wi-Fi Card for $199.99 (regular price is an overpriced $329.99).

Palm Zire 72 is an awesome device with great capabilities. You can use it to surf the Internet, watch video, etc. It has an SD card expansion slot which means that you can buy an additional SD card to store up to 2GB of data!
My only concern is that this Palm Zire 72 is refurbished. I would never spend $199.99 on a refurbished item! Not only is it too much for a refurbished item, but the person who originally bought it might have used it in the washroom or might have dropped it. But that’s just me.
Check out the refurbished Palm Zire 72 32MB Bluetooth Handheld with Wi-Fi Card here
Thanks insanity for this Ontario Place deal 🙂

On the carton of the Natureegg Omega 3, there is a coupon for 2 for 1 Play All Day Pass (you need to get 2 coupons before you can get this deal – i.e. need to buy 2 seperate cartons).
It’s a savings of $34. Only restriction is that it is not valid during the CNE time period.
No Frills Ontario 2 week flyer is out and it has some good deals.
Here is the NoFrills flyer.
Today’s Future Shop deal is a Konica Minolta MagiColor 2400W Colour Laser Printer for $249.99 (regular price $500).

I wouldn’t personally spend that much money on a printer. Sure, a colour laser printer’s quality is much much better than regular inkjets but unless you have a special need for such a high quality, forget about this deal. Also note that this printer uses 4 cartridges and each one costs a whopping $90! (unless you can find cheap refills).
Check out the a Konica Minolta MagiColor 2400W Colour Laser Printer deal here.
Paramount Canada’s Wonderland season pass
2006 2 or More Season Pass: $69.00
2006 Individual Season Pass: $89.99
2006 Season Pass Parking: $25.00
Get these Wonderland season pass prices here
This offer expires on May 15th
Summer time!
For many living in/near Toronto or visiting the Hog Town this summer I’ll be posting Wonderland, Toronto Zoo., etc. coupons, passes and promotions.
Here’s the first one:

Canada’s Wonderland Discounts:
Go to Paramount Canada’s Wonderland’s website here and in the “Please enter your company ID:â€Â enter “gmcanada” or “rogers” and you’ll get discounted prices:
Spring All Ages Ticket: $29.00
Good Any Day Adult Ticket: $34.00
Good Any Day Child/Senior Ticket: $30.00
Get 5% off all car interior and exterior lights at with the discount code LVNT8657.
This code expires on June 31, 2006
Thanks Anna M. for suggesting this deal 🙂
Today is Future Shop’s 6th day of its 10 days of web only deals. Another good deal today: Kingston 1GB Secure Digital Card for $24.99 after $25.00 discount and $40.00 mail in rebate (regular price $89.99).

If you have a digital camera that uses SD cards or any electronic device that uses SD cards this is a good deal. I don’t really like the mail-in rebate part though and if you do decide to buy this product make sure you get your $40 rebate!
Note that these cards are NOT for Sony digital cameras or Sony PSPs. Please make sure the device you have uses SD and not any other technology before ordering this card.
Check out the Kingston 1GB Secure Digital Card here.
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