One of everyone’s favourite coupons, the yearly mail out coupon from Chapman’s Canada, is now available and you can order yours through the link below. This coupon is the same as last year’s coupon, and is valid for $4 off the purchase of Chapman’s Super Premium Plus Ice Cream. The coupon may change to a different one later on, but I’m sure you’ll want to order this one right away.
The Chapman’s Annual Coupon Campaign is only available until June the 30th 2025. This is a change that was made in the last couple of years, so make sure that you have ordered your coupon before the cut off date. There is a limit of one coupon per address for this campaign, and you will need to select your address from the drop down menu. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for your coupon to be delivered.
Click here to request your coupon for $4 off the purchase of Chapman’s Super Premium Plus Ice Cream.
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