Chapters Canada: Back 2 School Sale

btq_bts2011Until August 14th all “Skip Hop” Back 2 School items are 15% off online only at Chapters Indigo’s Online store.

I fondly remember coming home a few months ago with my adorable owl lunchbag and my mother offering to give me an adult appropriate lunch bag instead … little did she know I had just purchased it for myself 😉

Click here to shop the sale and forget the kids – get yourself something cute.

5 responses to “Chapters Canada: Back 2 School Sale”

  1. Natalka says:

    Thanks, bub! Oh, that owl lunchbag is adorable! Ha, my mom would have said something similar to yours – she often thought I liked ‘childish’ things, lol!

  2. abbasgirl says:

    Those are the most adorable backpacks I have ever seen!!!

  3. dandelion says:

    I see the Bento buddies in the list. Does anybody know where I can actually buy a Bento box? for a decent price? Thanks so much.

  4. gails says:

    are only some of these on sale today? I wanted the owl set but it’s not giving me the discount…

  5. RRES says:

    I’m having the same problem. The discount isn’t showing up…..


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