Chapters Canada Coupon Code Save $5 on Purchase of $30 or more

Canadian Deals & Coupons



Chapters has a new coupon code!  Enter FEBRU2012 at checkout to save $5 on purchases of $30 or more.  And you’ll get free shipping because your order will still be at least $25.  It’s like they thought of everything!  I’m going to check out their Thomas and Friends section (my son’s a Thomas addict!).  This coupon code is valid through February 28.

Click here to shop at Chapters.

One response to “Chapters Canada Coupon Code Save $5 on Purchase of $30 or more”

  1. Rk86 says:

    cool was hoping for a bonus chapters discount to cope up. ill check out a used book store i have credit at first, but I’m sure i wont be able to find all 3 books. so i should end up needed this


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