Chapters Canada Drop the Plum Game is Back on Facebook!

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The Drop the Plum game is back on Facebook.  From now until January 25 you can earn bonus plum points by playing Drop the Plum once a day.  It’s like Plinko for all you Price is Right fans out there.  You can win between 5-100 points per day and be entered into a draw for 100,000 points!  Off to drop my plum!

Click here to play Drop the Plum on Facebook.

14 responses to “Chapters Canada Drop the Plum Game is Back on Facebook!”

  1. hena says:

    love this promo from last time…. thanks for the heads up!!

  2. amanda says:

    did my drop and got 100 woohoo!

  3. andreawtbay says:

    of course, i only get 5!! anyone have tips to score 100?

  4. Eric says:

    I suppose you need to have their chapters/indigo card thingy?

  5. Denise says:

    my trick to getting 100 was not knowing what I was doing and literally dropping the ball!! I am sure if I had done it right I would have only gotten 5 – thanks for the heads up on this promo

  6. Monica says:

    What do you get with these plum points?

  7. emmy3111 says:

    Thank you for the heads up! Only got 25 points… but that can still add up quick if I remember every day!

  8. Brandon says:

    Got 50 points!

  9. Ciel says:

    From the game rules:
    The plum Drop Game

    How to access: during the Promotion Period, go to the Game application from the “plum drop” tab on Indigo’s Facebook page, accessible at, and click “Enter”. You will then be presented with the Game’s welcome page. You must enter your valid plum rewards membership number to play the Game. If you do not have a valid plum rewards membership number, you may register for one at at no cost, and the Game’s welcome page on Facebook will prompt you to do so. Upon entry of your valid plum rewards membership number you will be directed to the Game.

    That is not happening for me. I don’t have a Facebook account, so after I entered my Plum Rewards number and click Enter, I get a Facebook window pop-up. So Chapters, get your IT and rules people on the same page–either the rule is incorrect or the page is not opening directly to the game.

  10. Ciel says:

    Saw that other people are having problems with their Plum Rewards card numbers not advancing to game after clicking Enter, despite Rule #5 stating it will.
    Just saw this on Chapters’ Facebook wall:
    Chapters Indigo Books & Music Inc. Hi everyone — there can be a few different reasons for this:
    – make sure you are using the latest version of your browser (IE8, Chrome, Firefox, etc)
    – Make sure to enter your plum rewards number with no spaces
    – Make sure to type it in (not copying & pasting)
    – did you sign up online and then get a replacement card in-store? If so, you need to use the number on your replacement card.
    ~Roisin .
    4 minutes ago

  11. Ciel says:

    The fine print (grr):
    *To collect plum points registration is required, correctly answer a skill-testing question, and Like the Chapters Indigo Books & Music Inc. Facebook page. Please allow 2 business days for plum points to be credited to your plum rewards account

    ®Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Indigo). The plum design is a trademark of Indigo

    From the text after the Grand Prize information.

  12. Think It Through says:

    Yah! I’ve almost got enough points to get rewards and this promo should do it for me. Now if I can just score more than 5 points at a time with this …

  13. andreawtbay says:

    5 points again! let’s see if i can only get 5 everyday!

  14. Debi says:

    Keyed in my Plum Rewards # and site informed me that I had already played today. Wished someone had told me!! Please indigo try to get this one right!!!!!!


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