Chapters/Indigo/Coles Canada In Store Exclusive: Spend $40 and get $45 in Savings!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


I just got this email from Chapters and it seems like an amazing deal.   You get $45 in savings when you spend a minimum of $40 in store before taxes.  The savings included are: $10 off $40 at Chapters/Indigo/Coles (I believe this is a coupon for your next purchase), 2 for 1 adult admission to Cineplex and $25 off $100 at Roots. 

The fine print says this deal is not available in Atlantic Canada and other select stores so you may want to call your store and find out if they are doing it.  This promo is running until October 30 or while quantities last.

I need to pick up some books for birthdays so this is a nice extra for me.  I really like the $10 off $40 for Chapters and the 2 for 1 Cineplex admission.  I have a friend who is a Roots fiend so I’ll give that to her for her Christmas shopping.  I love when Chapters gives out extra perks like this!

Click here to find a Chapters near you.

24 responses to “Chapters/Indigo/Coles Canada In Store Exclusive: Spend $40 and get $45 in Savings!”

  1. Cadeau says:

    Hello, would you post the e-mail that came with the promotion?
    picture alone doesn’t look authentic (doesn’t say when you spend 40$ in chapters) thank you!

  2. miniv says:

    OMG!!! i just bought 2 textbooks worth $40 literally 2 days ago!! NOOO!!!

  3. maybe says:

    I don’t really understand how it doesn’t look authentic and I’ve already deleted the email. If you question the promotion you can email them at [email protected] or call your store and see if they are offering it as it does say it is not available in select stores across Canada or in Atlantic Canada.

  4. j.leopatra says:

    This is definitely authentic. I got the e-mail yesterday and went to pick up some books and received the gift cards! Great deal!

  5. Colin says:

    Sigh … not in Atlantic Canada, as usual. I’d be more accepting if they gave us an alternate offer to replace it, but nope.. nothing at all.

  6. Robin says:

    Is this only for reward card holders? Or everyone?

    • maybe says:

      The email I got didn’t say you had to be a reward card holder. I would call the store and find out though.

  7. Draven79 says:

    does anyone know if the $10 off $40 chapters one is good online or only in the store? I’m planning to buy my son some lego that they have on the site for christmas and would love to get $10 off.

  8. Corbinx says:

    I just received a $50 Chapter’s gift card as a gift…great time to go spend it!

  9. j.leopatra says:

    Draven79, I just checked and the Chapters/Indigo card is only good for in-store purchases.

  10. Kristin says:

    Actually, that’s not true. With the iRewards card you get 5% off online purchases (although not on used books). I used to work at Chapters and just bought textbooks from them this week. I can guarantee it. If you look at the prices on the website it even says Regular Price: ____ iRewards Members Price: _____

  11. Kristin says:

    Oops, I just realized that you probably meant that the ‘savings card’ is only good for in-store purchases. I’ll leave my other post though, in case people were confused like I was.

  12. James Bonney says:

    just at Indigo in Milton, Ontario. They had no idea what I was talking about when I asked about this deal. Do you need a coupon??

  13. Draven79 says:

    Thanks for checking j.leopatra. I figured it would only be in store. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for an online discount.

  14. Cadeau says:

    I called a chapters in London and they said this start next monday and you have to print the e-mail to prove it…

  15. j.leopatra says:

    They had a couple of big signs up at the store when I was there yesterday and no one asked to see the email. In fact, I didn’t even have to ask about the gift cards, she just gave me the little package with the cards inside when I checked out. Strange. Maybe it’s different in Ontario than in Alberta??

  16. James Bonney says:

    it appears this deal applies at cineplex too. If you buy a $40 cineplex giftcard you get the same bundle of coupons

  17. James Bonney says:

    This deal is on at all three retailers…cineplex/indigo/roots.
    and you can buy a gift card for $40 to get the coupons which are valid until 11nov.

  18. maybe says:

    My aunt went into a Chapters in Edmonton last night and got the deal with no questions asked and she wasn’t asked for the email either. Maybe the girl at the London store didn’t know what the deal was yet or something.

  19. discount guy says:

    this works for everyone right? and not just reward card users? 😀 freeeeeeee movie ticket :DDDD

  20. James Bonney says:

    Here in Milton, Ontario the three retailers (roots/cineplex/indigo) all have signage offering this deal; just buy a $40 gift card or $40 worth of stuff no rewards card required.

  21. itsjustmebub says:

    This is also valid on purchases of a $40 gift card
    as well as spending $40 at

    both will get you the same coupons

  22. Justine says:

    I bought a gift card tonight for $40 and then got the coupon book, I used the cineplex tonight (saved $10 on admission, it would of been a cheap night if it hadn’t been for the $15 concession food!).


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