Quebec residents, here is something just for you!
Cineplex Canada currently has an excellent promotion on for Quebec residents only. You can get 2 General Admission for the Price of one, which means you save 50% off your trip to the movies! I just love BOGO offers like this.
Now there are some requirements for this offer. For one, you need a valid Facebook account. Just follow some simple steps and voila, you will achieve your savings! First of all, the page is only available in French. You can click here to request your unique coupon code to redeem your discount.
Then use your unique coupon code acquired to purchase your admission tickets to see the movie of your choice. This code can be applied to UltraAVX, IMAX, VIP or D-Box tickets. Of course for AVX you will need to pay the difference of $3.00.
This offer is valid until November 6th, 2014. Offer is valid on Quebec only.
Click here to check out this Cineplex Quebec Canada offer!