Cinnabon Canada has a new printable Coupon and it’s valid all the way past Thanksgiving! Time to grab a couple of Minibons on your way to your parent(s)’ or family’s home for thanksgiving 😉 While preparing this post I came across a Cinnabon poem by eddlyhong that I feel nicely describes how I feel every time I eat a Cinnabon! Mmmm
Oh how I love thee.When I first took a bite of you
there were hallelujahs raining down
upon my unsuspecting taste buds
I reveled in your blissfully sweet taste,
a taste that is made only complete by
the soft bread layers that gets even softer
as I reach the center of your magnificence,
Your seductive cinnamon brown sugar
wrapped with the bread layers like a love-struck fool,
and the incomparable white cream frosting
that makes time go still.
Now back to the printable Cinnabon Coupons! There are 3 coupons this time:
- 2 for 1 Cinnabon Minibon Roll Coupon: Purchase a Minibon Roll at regular price and get a 2nd Minibon Roll Free.
- Free Hot Coffee or Tea: Purchase a Cinnabon Classic Roll and receive a free hot coffee or tea.
- 1/2 Price Cinnabon Chillfact’r Coupon: Save 50% off purchase of any 16 oz Chillfact’r. Valid on any flavour including NEW Salted Caramel.
Limit 1 Cinnabon Canada coupon per visit. Coupon valid at participating Shopping Mall or TTC subway locations only in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada. Cinnabon Canada coupon expires November 3rd, 2013.
Click here to get your Cinnabon Canada Coupon