Everyone’s nose can almost immediately detect the rich and sweet smell of Cinnabon Canada as soon as they enter through the doors of their local shopping mall or when the enticing aromas come wafting over to you as you are passing by a store on the street. I almost always find myself gravitating toward those deathly addictive smells, with or without conscious decision being activated, and I know I am not the only one…Which is why I’m sharing this wonderful coupon with you today from Cinnabon Canada.
Starting today through till March 29th, 2015, you can use this coupon from the Cinnabon Facebook page to receive one of three possible deals. You can either buy 1 Minibon with Nutella and get your second one for free, or you will have the option to get the Chillfact’r with Nutella or the Take Home CinnaPack (6 classic or 15 minibon) for half-off the regular price. You will be limited to one discount per coupon and you will also be limited to one coupon per transaction of the paying customer.
Additionally, this offer will only be valid in Ontario and Nova Scotia, so my deepest apologies to the rest of the country!
Click here to get the free/discounted coupon from Cinnabon Canada online.