Cinnabon Canada Printable Coupons: Mixed Berry Minibon, Chillifact’r & Large CinnePack


Cinnabon Canada has just released a bunch of new coupons featuring their new mixed berry minion as well as other classics. I’m still most excited about the large take home CinnePack. The Cinnabon coupons are:

  • $1.00 off regular price of a Mixed Berry Minibon
  • $2.00 off regular price of any flavour Chillifact’r
  • $3.00 off regular price of any large take home CinnePack

One free / discounted item per Cinnabon Canada coupon. Limit one Cinnabon Canada coupon per visit / transaction per person. Cinnabon Canada coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other Cinnabon Canada discounts or coupons offers. Valid in Cinnabon Canada stores in Ontario and Nova Scotia excluding ONRoute Travel Centres. Cinnabon Canada coupon expires June 29, 2014.

Click here to get your Cinnabon Canada coupons

One response to “Cinnabon Canada Printable Coupons: Mixed Berry Minibon, Chillifact’r & Large CinnePack”

  1. sShirnette says:

    How much is the pack of 6 large cinnabons? I haven’t had this I’m years..great incentive to get some using cpn.


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