After their impressive freebie campaign where a lot of SmartCanucks readers – who live in Toronto – got free glasses, I emailed Clearly Contacts and asked them if they could provide us with coupon codes. Clearly Contacts Canada generously gave us 3 coupon codes to use on orders placed at their website 😀 Coupon Code
- Discount: 15% Off Any Order New Customers Only
- Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009 Coupon Code 2
- Discount: $35 Off Orders Over $249 + Free Shipping
- Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKS35
- Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009 Coupon Code 3
- Discount: 10% Off Orders Over $99 + Free Shipping
- Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKS10
- Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009
Click here to shop at Clearly Contacts Canada
The last freebie promotion was for new customers only. They sent me an email later that day saying that I was not qualified, but they still haven’t refund my money (on shipping)! 🙁
I tried using this code online and it didn’t work. I had to call them to get my bill adjusted.
Oh, I hope this works for me — perfect timing as I need to re-order soon!
Oh, by the way… I just noticed that this is for the Canadian site. I just want to point out that if you order from the U.S. site, it’s actually cheaper… even with the currency exchange, shipping, etc. Every time I order, I compare the totals and I always pay less if I order from the U.S. Hope it’s okay to say that here since I’m not promoting buying from Canada… but someone may appreciate the tip for saving $.
Me again… Clearly Contacts says they’ll do a price match (110%) with any company, including their U.S. branch… so there ya go! 🙂
What happened to the “FREE” promotion? That 1 was better! 😉
Yep Ann your totally right, they have some glasses on there for as low as 6.95 then 9.95 shipping. Can’t get cheaper then that!!!!
If you type in CANUCKS in the coupon code, you get 20% off your order!
I saved $23 off my order!
I just got an e-mail from them and they told me my order was shipped and will arrive tomorrow by Fedex. I ordered the Gucci ones at $38 and got them for shipping and handling only $12, I live in Montreal, Quebec, and dont know why my order was not rejected. I will let you know tomorrow when I receive them if all is well.
Well I just received my glasses and they are beautiful. They are the Gucci ones at $38 and they accepted the promo code and I got them for $12.04 of shipping and handling. They fit really well and come with a nice Gucci case and cleaning cloths as well as a screwdriver. Still can’t believe it, as I live in Montreal, Quebec and was sure I would be rejected too. So thank you Boo for this deal, and sorry for those who didn’t get in or were rejected. Goes to show you should always try, I did and I got my glasses. I am so happy! Thanks again!!!
I just placed a nice sized order online .ca and will call in the am to see if they will price match the .com site.
If you enter the word CANUCKS you will get 20% off.
TELLAFRIEND is also 20% off.