Clearly Contacts Canada Promo Coupon Codes

Clearly Contacts Canada

After their impressive freebie campaign where a lot of SmartCanucks readers – who live in Toronto – got free glasses, I emailed Clearly Contacts and asked them if they could provide us with coupon codes. Clearly Contacts Canada generously gave us 3 coupon codes to use on orders placed at their website 😀 Coupon Code

  • Discount: 15% Off Any Order New Customers Only
  • Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009 Coupon Code 2

  • Discount: $35 Off Orders Over $249 + Free Shipping
  • Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKS35
  • Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009 Coupon Code 3

  • Discount: 10% Off Orders Over $99 + Free Shipping
  • Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKS10
  • Expiry Date: June 30th, 2009

Click here to shop at Clearly Contacts Canada

13 responses to “Clearly Contacts Canada Promo Coupon Codes”

  1. Evil Tofu says:

    The last freebie promotion was for new customers only. They sent me an email later that day saying that I was not qualified, but they still haven’t refund my money (on shipping)! 🙁

  2. JM says:

    I tried using this code online and it didn’t work. I had to call them to get my bill adjusted.

  3. Ann says:

    Oh, I hope this works for me — perfect timing as I need to re-order soon!

  4. Ann says:

    Oh, by the way… I just noticed that this is for the Canadian site. I just want to point out that if you order from the U.S. site, it’s actually cheaper… even with the currency exchange, shipping, etc. Every time I order, I compare the totals and I always pay less if I order from the U.S. Hope it’s okay to say that here since I’m not promoting buying from Canada… but someone may appreciate the tip for saving $.

  5. Ann says:

    Me again… Clearly Contacts says they’ll do a price match (110%) with any company, including their U.S. branch… so there ya go! 🙂

  6. Stephania says:

    What happened to the “FREE” promotion? That 1 was better! 😉

  7. Sally says:

    Yep Ann your totally right, they have some glasses on there for as low as 6.95 then 9.95 shipping. Can’t get cheaper then that!!!!

  8. Chelsea says:

    If you type in CANUCKS in the coupon code, you get 20% off your order!
    I saved $23 off my order!

  9. Elsa L'Abbe says:

    I just got an e-mail from them and they told me my order was shipped and will arrive tomorrow by Fedex. I ordered the Gucci ones at $38 and got them for shipping and handling only $12, I live in Montreal, Quebec, and dont know why my order was not rejected. I will let you know tomorrow when I receive them if all is well.

  10. Elsa L'Abbe says:

    Well I just received my glasses and they are beautiful. They are the Gucci ones at $38 and they accepted the promo code and I got them for $12.04 of shipping and handling. They fit really well and come with a nice Gucci case and cleaning cloths as well as a screwdriver. Still can’t believe it, as I live in Montreal, Quebec and was sure I would be rejected too. So thank you Boo for this deal, and sorry for those who didn’t get in or were rejected. Goes to show you should always try, I did and I got my glasses. I am so happy! Thanks again!!!

  11. Aaron says:

    I just placed a nice sized order online .ca and will call in the am to see if they will price match the .com site.

  12. Stacey says:

    If you enter the word CANUCKS you will get 20% off.

  13. Charles says:

    TELLAFRIEND is also 20% off.


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