Clearly Contacts Canada will be releasing 10000 coupon codes for a free pair of designer glasses on their Facebook page on Jamuary 12. Like them today to keep yourself updated.
I recently tried on my best friend’s glasses on while she was home from university and have come to the conclusion I should probably see the eye doctor as I could see much clearer.
i need a deal on an eye exam!! o_O
could be all u need are reading glasses…
try some on next time ur at the drug store
The offer states that it is for new customers only though.
I bought a pair from and my BlueCross covered everything 🙂
Also note that this does not appear to be free for ALL prescriptions – only relatively weak prescriptions that don’t require thin lenses. The offer states that the lenses are 1.50 which may not suit everyone. I assume additional charges will apply to thinner lenses.
yes weak ones-and in Canada?????
My son took advantage of this deal the last time it was offered, and is very happy with the glasses he got. Having said that….I tried to get the PD (pupillary distance) from my optician, and was told it would cost me $50., even though they would just need to look on my last glasses order. You need this as well as your prescription to order online. (There are instructions on how to get this measurement on the clearly contacts site, hopefully it will be accurate). I doubt if the styles being offered are really new. I checked out the rimless style by Silouette, for example, and the one online is still using the “old style” arm attachment, which Silouette changed at least 2 years ago.
I was charged $10 for my PD. $50 seems extreme. Sometimes places like Wal-Mart will measure it for you for free.
COOOL someone please BUMP this up so we can enjoy free glasses tomorrow.
What is the code anyways? i don’t even use facebook! ha
I just bought a pair, my hubby broke mine last week so I need a new pair badly.. my eye doctor wouldn’t give me my perscription over the phone but I had an old contact lense box and it had it on it 🙂 $16 shipped
@kathy..I don’t use Facebook either, but I have a fake FB account just for all these offers and freebies:)..with a fake name and fake email ..maybe you should do the same.
My local Costco also does eye exams but I think they are pretty much one standard price no matter where you go.
This was good timing.
My DD actually broke *2* pairs of my glasses in just a week. My ‘expensive’ pair (that I got from the actual eye store) and the ‘free’ pair I got from Clearly Contacts last year, lol.
yay! it’s on today. first time customers only though – hope they have something for us who have ordered from them before.
A good deal, provided the glasses you want are part of the deal. Mine weren’t. Also, if you need a stronger prescription, you will pay for the lens upgrade. You will save the $60 – $80 on the frames though. After my first choice was rejected, I tried to get my second choice today, but the website continually went down, and after a half hour, I gave up on the frustrating experience. I entered my prescription so many times that it has probably changed from staring at the screen so much. Very annoying.
Prescription for contact lenses are often different from prescriptions for eyeglasses. Also, astigmatism isn’t always corrected with contacts even if your true Rx (eyeglass Rx) requires it. I sure hope this wasn’t the case for you.
They show you how to measure your PD by yourself at home for free with a ruler. It was easy. Why would your eye doctor try to scam you into paying $50? Eye doctors seem to be running more of a business and less of a practice these days. Ugh.
Generally, optometrists (eye doctors) write your PD measurement on your prescription so it’s not common for them to charge to access this info.
Vikinglady does however mention in her original post that it was her *optician* who attempted to charge her $50. On this point, I agree with you it’s unfortunate that some opticians try to capitalize on something seemingly so trivial…but…let me also put it this way – opticians take PD only when you’ve made a commitment to purchase a pair of glasses from them. So when you request this information from them at a later time, they aren’t so keen to release it since it’s likely you’re taking your business elsewhere. There are also several other reasons why it’s tricky to get your PD from an optical shop or an optician I won’t go into detail here but having worked in the industry for many years, I can empathize with both sides.
Sorry about the extra long post!
I did the PD measurement myself, and also got a couple of friends to do it as well. (and, WON’T be going back to that optician). Ordered the glasses (no problem here, input all my info. before 9 a.m., then clicked to finish just past the start time). I didn’t pay for the extra thin lenses (my eyes are 1.75, and 2.00), so now am curious to see what these glasses are like for $20.