Canada Coupon Codes Canada

[pic source: phitar]

New coupon codes for December 2009 😀

  • Clearly Contacts Coupon code 1: SMARTFESTIVE
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58 responses to “ Canada Coupon Codes”

  1. Amy says:

    Holy cow – creepiest picture ever!

  2. bhlombardy says:

    That picture is seriously creeping me out… like something out of Village of the Damned

  3. serra says:

    ahaha i was just going to post something similar….TOTALLY CREEPY!!! who ok’d that??? hahahah

  4. sonia says:

    ahh! i’m going to have nightmares of that kid!

  5. Steph says:

    I’m sure she’s a cute kid, but this picture is freaky…look at the lashes even lol eek

  6. Lilyana's Mommy says:

    Glad I’m not the only one who thinks the picture is creepy, lol….She’s adorable but what’s going on with the pic????

  7. wimbly11 says:

    haha, I came in here to say the same thing. That picture is freaky!!!

  8. Jen says:

    lmao thanks for the nightmares Smartcanucks! 😛

  9. zubee says:

    it’s really creepy me out!!!!

  10. Liz says:

    creepy picture!!

  11. Krystleb says:

    lmao at everyone of us comming in here to comment the freakishly weird pic.. haha.. so creepy

  12. Tessa says:

    That picture scares the hell out of me.


  13. Boo Radley says:


    I thought it was beautiful 🙂

  14. Melanie says:

    This is the creepiest pic ever! I do not ever want to look at it again!

  15. Drena says:

    Cute kid, but I think she needs some eyebrows!

  16. Fleetingleaf says:

    wow…creepy picture

  17. stranger says:

    I have a coupon code for 50% off the entire order, don’t know the expiry date though.

  18. Sandy says:

    Stranger – what is the 50% code? I can use it for sure. Thanks.

  19. Keegan Hardiman says:

    I agree Boo the pic is beautiful 🙂

  20. jenlively49 says:

    Opps, Cuz was signed it ^^^^
    I’m sure he thinks it’s beautiful too 🙂

  21. jenlively49 says:

    in. what a day!

  22. dori says:

    wah! u scare me!

  23. Jennie says:

    WOW Scary!

  24. AmberLab says:

    Children of the Corn. Thanks Boo. 😛

    Decisions, decisions, I’ve been waiting for a discount to order more contacts. What to do???

  25. Sally says:

    I have an idea. Lets photoshop the crap outta this and remove her eyebrows…oh wait thats already been done.

  26. julyprincess says:

    EEEkkk…that’s creepier than creepy!

  27. spiffykerms says:

    rofl at all the replies. I came here to say the exact same thing hahaha.

  28. vibrantflame says:

    Um….yeah….beautiful little girl, but what is up with her expression?? She looks like she’s trying to mind control someone so she can eat them lol

  29. ca5macdo says:

    Haha I was wondering how this got 28 comments and I thought… They all have to be about the picture… And sure enough they are haha

  30. Mary says:

    first thing that came in my head “what a creepy picture.” sure enough, that’s what everyone else thinks

  31. etherealone says:

    I see dead people.

  32. Kaldirris says:

    Yikes!!! I’m with everyone else – that is ONE CREEPY PHOTO!!!!!!

  33. Randall says:

    “I’m here to pick up Richard Dreyfuss.”

  34. Kam says:

    lol I only came to post a comment about the picture but my thoughts have already been expressed above. Creepy to the max…

  35. jess says:

    yeah exactly what i was thinking too that is really creepy

  36. julie says:

    what a creepy photo?

  37. Ditto says:

    Whoa…. but she does have nice coloured eyes 🙂

  38. itsamystery says:

    I work thank and I will be thanking god EVERYDAY that my job does not require looking at that damned demon baby!!!

  39. itsamystery says:

    I work there (Clearly Contacts) ** apparently I type about as good as that kid looks!

  40. Jess says:

    what’s with the creepy picture??

  41. jaggy says:

    Very creepy indeed. Now I have that image stuck in my head…. and my nightmares!

  42. Coco says:

    The eyelashes look fake to me … O_O

  43. me says:

    lol @ itsamystery

  44. stranger says:

    It’s doll, not a real human baby. It’s obvious.

  45. denise says:

    Yikes!!! Stop staring at me! Back off, kid! I mean it! I have garlic & a crucifix!!



  46. evil.kitten says:

    thank god I’m not the only one whose creeped out by the photo LOL!

  47. shejayd says:

    Lol, I was just going to say the same thing.

  48. Helena says:

    I just came on to post about the creepy pic too! lol
    Reminds me of the village of the damned

  49. Amanda says:

    Wow I thaught I was the only one who thaught that this picture was super creepy.. Almost one of them haunting faces from a scary movie.. Like she wants to eat your face or something.. Child of the Corn creepy!!

  50. Brandon says:

    That’s actually very messed up. Wow. Why is there a picture of a small child for contacts anyway?

  51. wellcalm says:

    That is hilarious, I was coming to post about the picture thinking that maybe I shouldnt, but I see everyone else agrees. That is a very strange advertisement.

  52. tofuu says:

    i just wanted to comment on how creepy that photo was. those eyes still haunt me as i type this, and i viewed the image 5 minutes ago.

  53. cheapskate101 says:

    definately not going to be able to sleep well tonight…LOL

  54. Mi says:

    LOL! I saw all the comments, and then I was thinking… “I bet it’s that picture…” and sure enough, it was! Haha!

  55. pacini says:

    two words….jean benet…creeeeepy!

  56. Polly says:

    scary stuff! I can’t look at this picture without cringing

  57. Sherre says:

    Stranger…you said you have a 50% off code…will you share it?

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