Coupon Codes Canada

New Coupon Codes for October 2009 🙂

ClearlyContacts Coupon 1

  • Clearly Contacts Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKS15OFF
  • Discount: 15% Off Any Order no minimum (new members)

ClearlyContacts Coupon 2

  • ClearlyContacts Coupon Code: SMARTCANUCKSHALLOWEEN
  • Discount: 12% Off Orders Over $55 (anyone)

Clcik here to shop at ClearlyContacts Canada

7 responses to “ Coupon Codes Canada”

  1. itsjustmebub says:

    nice! 🙂

  2. Stacy says:

    awesome thanks worked perfectly 🙂

  3. nadine says:

    you can use code tellafriend and save 20% off your first order

  4. Jessica says:

    FREE GLASSES for people in Toronto – Coupon code is ‘TORONTO’, new customers only, and you have to pay shipping. First 500 people.

  5. Stacy says:

    just got mine today (ordered it at around 5pm my time yesterday) super fast and i got a free pair of sunglasses!

  6. Marissa says:

    I just ordered some today – They have their 110% price match guarantee so if you call and quote them their cheaper price on their US site ( they will price match themselves! I saved $50 by using the new member (15% off) coupon and price matching. Awesome find!!

  7. FRANCINE says:

    I have been a customer of clearly contacts for 2 years and not once have I received a discount not even as a new member, every time I ordered new contacts I got a card fin my box to give away for a new member..I am sooo happy I found this coupon code..thanks, it helped out a lot!!


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