Costco Canada: East and West Deals

Bhlombardy posted this weeks Costco east and west deals on the forum. Some great savings if you are a Costco member.

Click here to view the east and west deals for June 25-July 1st


4 responses to “Costco Canada: East and West Deals”

  1. Jen says:

    The tzatziki on sale in the West is soooo yummy!!! Great deal 🙂

  2. cybro says:

    Thanks. I still don’t know why the company can’t make the flyer on their website officially.

  3. Jen says:

    Cybro….they have them on the Costco website too. Go to the site, then look on the right hand side (scroll down to weekly specials, promotions box) then click on that and select your province. It takes you here (from the main Costco site):

  4. cybro says:

    Okay…thank you, Jen.


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