Coupons On Ziploc Packaging: Save $5 On Meat


nguyen3828 has found a new batch of the Ziploc coupons to save up to $5 on meat.  This year the coupons are valid when you buy Ziploc or Saran products.  These were found on Ziploc Freezer Bags available for $1.97 at Walmart and you can use various coupons to bring down the cost (peelies, Walmart magazine and Old El Paso coupons are valid).

  • Save $2 on fresh meat when you buy two Saran products
  • Save $1 on fresh meat when you buy one Ziploc bag product
  • Save $2 on fresh meat when you buy one Ziploc container

These coupons expire February 28th, 2015 so you have plenty of time to wait for a sale on the products you need to buy with the meat.  Click here to view images of the coupons.

One response to “Coupons On Ziploc Packaging: Save $5 On Meat”

  1. nisiepie says:



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