DAVIDsTEA Canada: Free Tea of the Day on Friday & Saturday For Canada Day

DavidsTea Free Tea For Canada Day 2017

DAVIDsTEA is celebrating their Canadian roots by giving away free teas of the day for Canada Day.  Since many stores will be closed on Saturday, this offer is valid at all stores on Friday 30th June too.  If you live in a tourist area where they are open on Saturday, you can grab another one!  No purchase is necessary for this freebie, but it is valid only on select teas.

On Friday, choose between their 2017 limited edition Canada Day tea “Tea The North” which is full of red and white ingredients, but coconut based so not very Canadian.  Other options are Oh Canada! A maple infused rooibos or Strawberry Lemonade from the latest Freshly Squeezed release.  If your store is open on Sunday, they will have Tea The North, Oh Canada or Raspberry Mojito.

Stores usually have two of the three choices available.  Personally, I am hoping for Strawberry Lemonade at mine as I am not a big an of either of their Canada Day teas.  Which one do you want to try?

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