Dell Canada has some fabulous deals on Laptops, Desktops, Electronics and Accessories during their 4 days sale. Some of the hot deals include:
- Save an EXTRA 10% off Monitors with coupon code: 10%OFFMONITOR
- Save an EXTRA $15 off electronics & accessories with coupon code: $15OFF$199+
- Save $50 on select Dell Canada Desktop and Laptop Systems when you spend under $899 with coupon code SAVE50SBAFFFY20Q1
- Save $100 on select Dell Canada Desktop and Laptop Systems when you spend over $899 with coupon code SAVE100SBAFFFY20Q1
- Save up to 46% on select premium products designed for business
- Save $110 on the NEW Vostro 3480 laptop, only $739
- Save $150 on the NEW Vostro 3583 laptop, only $899
- Save $604 on the OptiPlex 3060 MFF PC, only $799
- Save $200 on the Vostro 3670 MT PC, only $899
- and more