Dr. Oetker FREE Mousse Coupon from Facebook AGAIN!


Facebook and Dr. Oetker are giving away a coupon for a FREE mousse again!

Click here to “like” Dr. Oetker on facebook and then click the section that says SHIRRIFF COUPON along the left hand side you’ll be directed to save.ca for your FREE coupon.

Thanks a million dch for this hot freebie!

23 responses to “Dr. Oetker FREE Mousse Coupon from Facebook AGAIN!”

  1. Kikie says:

    Thanks for this!

  2. carlyincanada says:

    The link is not working on the FB page…come back later! 🙂

  3. janice says:

    I get same not working

  4. ilovetoronto says:

    i just ordered mine …..

  5. Farmergirl says:

    I got mine! Thanks!

  6. Natty says:

    Ordered, thanks!

  7. ASMDRANGON says:

    Thank you!

    Ordered mine.

  8. joline says:

    awesome…thank you!

  9. kellyr says:

    Its buy one get one free.. still a good freebie!

  10. benji says:

    I got mine earlier today, thank you.

  11. Stephania says:

    Has anyone tried this dessert?

    I like mousse-based desserts, so I’m wondering if I’ll be disappointed…

  12. mia says:

    Thanks you!!!

  13. missy says:

    when i click where it says “sheriff coupon” it just brings the same facebook page back again??

  14. mia says:

    It’s now a b1g1 coupon

  15. Carolyn says:

    lol…does anyone besides me think the picture of the dessert looks like they’re spooning…erhmm…excretions? good deal btw

  16. SuperM says:

    OMG – sooo good. I bought the lite version once though – and then I read the nutrition label and almost died…

  17. carlyincanada says:

    Got it to work now….its a BOGO coupon! 🙂

  18. Jamie says:

    Not completely free, this: it’s “buy one get one free”.

    Still, thanks for the heads-up.

  19. honeydoo says:

    it’s good, i just made some the other day. serves about 3-4 ppl with a decent amount. and just under 2 bucks in the grocery store.

  20. Farmergirl says:

    Was completely free when I got mine a couple days ago. BOGO now.

  21. Tanya says:

    I tried this recently and it’s great for baking. BOGO is still a pretty good deal

  22. samantha says:

    LOL, looks like two piles of poop……☺

  23. Nancy says:

    I tried to get the free coupon. There was not a site on the left hand side to transfer me to save.ca Could you please help. Thank you


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