e.l.f. Canada Coupon Code: 1/2 Off Best Sellers

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50% off e.l.f. Best Sellers on orders of $20 or more. Enter coupon code LOVEIT at checkout. Your discount will be calculated as 50% off each item in the Best Sellers category. This e.l.f. offer is valid until Monday, February 11, 2013. Max Discount is $100.

Some of the e.l.f. best sellers items are:

  • 11-piece Brush Collection for $30
  • 144-piece Ultimate Eyeshadow Palette for $15
  • Endless Eyes Pro Eyeshadow Palette  for $10
  • Endless Eyes Pro Mini Eyeshadow Palette for $5
  • Makeup Clutch Palette for $15
  • 141 piece Master Makeup Collection for $35
  • Mechanical Eyelash Curler for $1
  • Stipple Face Brush for $3
  • High Definition Powder for $6
  • Lip Exfoliator for $3
  • HD Blush for $3
  • Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths for $3
  • Super Glossy Lip Shine For $1
  • Luscious Liquid Lipstick For $1
  • Waterproof Eyeliner Pen for $1
  • foundation SPF 15 for $5

Click here to get e.l.f. offer.

6 responses to “e.l.f. Canada Coupon Code: 1/2 Off Best Sellers”

  1. fruggalshopper says:

    Does anyone know if you have to pay duty when you order from this site? I noticed the $14.95 shipping charge to Canada, but just wanted to find out if there’s any other charges.

    • FallenPixels says:

      It will depend how much you order and whether they charge it at the border, but yes – if you order anything over $20 it is likely

  2. C says:

    I made an order yesterday. The eyeliner pen is divine, I love it! I bought 8!

    I’ve heard of a lot of people not paying duty on stuff over $20 but if you’re under it you’re safe. I paid for it with my survey money so I’m not too upset over the horrible price of shipping!

    • FallenPixels says:

      If you live in Ontario, there is a new (still very small) chain MyMark who is carrying e.l.f
      Try Essence from SDM, I find it is better quality and similarly priced (their gel eyeliner is amazing)

  3. fruggalshopper says:

    Thanks 🙂

  4. fruggalshopper says:

    oooo!! Thanks 🙂 I do live in Ontario and ‘MyMark’ isn’t far from me. Thanks again!!


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