EB Games Black Friday Flyer 2013 deals are out. You can view the full EB Games Black Friday Flyer 2013 Deals here. Decent deals overall. I’ll personally be getting Battlefield 4 for $39.99 but that’s about it for me. Borderlands 2 for $29.99 is also pretty good if you don’t already have it. Here is the full list of EB Games Black Friday Flyer 2013 Deals:
- Splinter Cell Blacklist for $29.99
- Bioshock Infinite for $19.99
- Tomb Raider for $14.99
- Saints Row for $29.99
- The Bureau xcom Declassified for $29.99
- Battlefield 4 for $39.99
- Nba 2K14 for $39.99
- Borderlands 2 for $29.99
- W2k14 for $39.99,
- Batman for $39.99
- Halo4 for $24.99
- Skyrim for $39.99
- Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag for $49.99
- Diablo for $44.99
- Beyond Two Souls for $39.99
- The Last Ofus for $39.99
- Playstation Vita Hardware for $179.99, Only November 29
- Playstation Vita Starter kit for $19.98, Only November 29
- Infinity, for $49.99
- JollyChin save up to 70%
Click here to view EB Games Black Friday Flyer 2013 Deals