Empire Theatres Canada Free Movie Ticket with Gift Card Purchase

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Use your Visa Card to purchase Empire Theater gift cards online and get tickets for a free admission to a movie at Empire Theatres.  For every $30 in gift cards you buy you will get one free admission ticket.  So if you spend $60 you get two, $90 you get 3 and so on.  This is a great deal if you go to Empire Theatres a lot because you can use the gift cards at the concession or to pay for tickets.  This is also a great way if you want to get movie gift cards for Christmas or Birthday gifts, a nice little freebie for you to enjoy or to add on to the gift.

Terms and conditions:

  • The General Admission Ticket will be sent to your billing address
  • You will receive a General Admission Ticket with each $30 increments
  • Promotion runs online from Monday, August 17th to Sunday, October 25th, 2009
  • This offer is only available when purchasing gift cards online with your Visa card
  • Offer not available in theatres

Click here to order some gift cards for Empire Theatres.

7 responses to “Empire Theatres Canada Free Movie Ticket with Gift Card Purchase”

  1. whatanidiot says:

    $5 shipping. NO DEAL!

  2. Eric says:

    I’d sooner just buy ’em at the theatre. Not to mention, I don’t own a Visa anyway, lol

  3. Purdee says:

    $5 shipping??? I was going to get a few GCs too. Too bad they are not available in the theatre.

  4. Sro Ragu says:

    Buy something for free movie tickets? No way! Load up on Cheerios when they come with the tickets!

  5. itsjustmebub says:

    great deal if you are buying like $90
    then who cares about the $5 S&H?

  6. itsjustmebub says:

    the one closest to me is still too far away lol

  7. Ashlyn Munk says:

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