Empire Theatres Canada: Toonie Matinees

Canadian Deals & Coupons, Events


Empire Theatres all over Canada are offering Twoonie Matinees during provincial school breaks. Movie admission is just $2 for everyone, or combine it with a kid’s combo pack for just $7. Most of the dates are in March with the exception of Nova Scotia’s HRM who will be hosting it during this years “Febuary Break” due to the Canada games, and NFLD who will be hosting theirs in April.

So far for Nova Scotia the movies included are:

Chronicles of Naria: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Gulliver’s Travels

Harry Potter & The Deadly Hollows- part one


Find out what dates your location is participating as well as what movies are included in the promotion here

2 responses to “Empire Theatres Canada: Toonie Matinees”

  1. king says:

    i love empire theatres, i hope they offer some good movies here, last year they weren’t too great.

  2. TallNFunny says:

    I could see the line-ups for this one…


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