Empire Theatres Coupons: Daily Deals of Summer

Empire Theatres Summer Daily Deals

Thanks Shauna for suggesting these Empire Theatres Daily Deals of Summer Coupons 😀

Empire Theatres Canada is having daily deals of summer with a new savings coupon everyday of the week! This week’s deals are as follows:

  • Monday June 15, 2009: One Admission Ticket only $6.99
  • Tuesday June 16, 2009: Buy a Combo, get a Free admission ticket
  • Wednesday June 17, 2009: Buy one general admission ticket, get one free
  • Thursday June 18, 2009: Admission, Popcorn and Pop only $9.99
  • Friday June 19, 2009: Save $2 off a Combo
  • Saturday June 20, 2009: Buy a Combo, Get a free Nestle Single Bar
  • Sunday June 21, 2009: Buy a 130 Oz. Popcorn, Get One Free

I’m not sure if every week afterwards repeats these same deals or whether Empire Theatres will be introducing different deals each week. We’ll have to find out next Monday I guess.

Click here to get your Empire Theatres Coupons

5 responses to “Empire Theatres Coupons: Daily Deals of Summer”

  1. Eric says:

    Damn, if only I had ink left in my printer. Wait… the library does!

  2. Dee09 says:

    What a great deal, thank you!

  3. Hairsup says:

    “Sunday June 21, 2009: Buy a 130 Oz. Popcorn, Get One Free”

    What are they trying to sell?!

    J/k…i know it’s a typo.
    But seriously…
    unless they do some renovation for their theatres,
    i do not see myself getting there anytime soon.

  4. Pablo42 says:

    Great – Thank you. Have a great day!

  5. Jim Squires says:

    Perfect! Taking my daughter to her first movie today. Hopefully today’s coupon works for 3D screenings as well, since that’s the only way they’re showing Up in St. Catharines. If not, oh well. Lots of good coupons for the summer! 🙂


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