Entertainment Canada Deals: All 2015 Entertainment Coupon Books Are 2 for $35 + FREE Shipping

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This is probably the lowest that the Entertainment Book 2015 Edition has ever been, and will also probably be the lowest price they offer on it this year. Which is great, because it leaves you just enough time to buy one for yourself, and gift the second one as a Christmas present. Why you may ask would you get two? It would only make sense to get two Entertainment Book’s since they are currently being sold two for $35 on top of including FREE-shipping.

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For the next two days only, when you buy two Entertainment Books you will only pay $35, which makes each book work out to costing you only $17.50. Considering that some editions cost upwards of $50, this is almost a third of the price you would normally pay. And since they will also be including free-shipping, you can have them delivered to your home in time for Christmas at no extra charge!

As you’ll know from our previous posts, the Entertainment Book is stacked with great discounts and coupons that you can use on both your smart phone and the cut-out coupons from the book itself. Even if you only use this book a couple of times (which I doubt you will) the purchase will more than pay for itself within your first few purchases.

Click here to buy the Entertainment Book 2015 Edition for 2 for $35.

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