Esprit Canada Cyber Monday Sale: 40% off your purchase

espDoes this really qualify as a Cyber Monday sale when they offer 40% off on a regular basis? In any case … 40% off is still a fab deal… so here you go!

Deal runs Nov 28-29 online. Use coupon code: CYBERMON11 at the checkout. Can’t be combined with other offers.

Click here to shop online

3 responses to “Esprit Canada Cyber Monday Sale: 40% off your purchase”

  1. kb says:

    Not sure how this can be qualified as a ‘fab deal’, when this ‘deal’ happens almost weekly….

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    the 40% off is a fab deal at any time of the week was the point 🙂

  3. kb says:

    Sure, but everything is *always* 40% off at Esprit…


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