Every store needs to have this policy

No Coffee For you Canada

99 responses to “Every store needs to have this policy”

  1. Jo Seff says:

    I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agree with this sign. I’m tired of playing second fiddle when you’ve come to me for service! Hang it up and pay attention to the person on the other side of the counter!

  2. Jen says:

    Love it. I work retail and can’t stand when people come thru my till and are on their phone. So Rude!!

  3. honeybee says:

    i love itttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Mush says:

    I just wait for them to notice i’m ignoring them. Then I pay attention.

  5. Tricia says:

    I used to work in a VERY busy industrial part of town where all the men would come in, on their cells, and I would refuse service and make them go to the end of the line like a child. LOL.

  6. misslollieputty says:

    I hate it when I’m in line at Walmart and the guy in front of me is paying for his stuff – but paying more attention to the phone. It’s just plain rude to the sales staff. (and annoying to the customers behind because we really don’t want to know about what you’re doing or where you’re going…) LOL

  7. kmyk says:

    This applies to the sales clerk too! I hate waiting for the clerk to finish a conversation on the phone (like when they are making a reservation at a restaurant, etc)

  8. Adam says:

    It definitely goes both ways for sure! I work in an Electronics department in a grocery store and this exact thing happened to me yesterday. I kept going about my business cleaning up stuff on the counters and when the customer noticed that I was paying absolutely no attention to him, he told the person he was speaking to on the phone to hold on a minute. He asked if he could pay for his things (which were from the Health/Beauty dept) and I said no problem! He didn’t even pick up the phone until he finished paying. It was a wonderful transaction when I knew he was serious about buying his items!

  9. Doug says:

    That’s Awesome!

  10. L says:

    Love it. Wish I could put this up where I work. If a customer is too busy on the phone to display some common courtesy I consider myself too busy to tell them the cheque they are depositing will be on hold all weekend. Oopsie 🙂

  11. madryn_m says:

    I wish I could do this at work! It drives me crazy when I’m trying to serve customers.

  12. julyprincess says:

    I hate to admit but I am one of those ppl…what if it’s an urgent call that happens to ring while I am at the counter! Hey, things happen!

  13. Sara says:

    I agree with july princess.
    Sometimes a call comes in you HAVE to take, or its a person you can’t call back. You don’t need my attention to ring my items through.

  14. gomo2010 says:

    Then tell the clerk an emergency call just came in and I have to take it…sorry.
    I would think 99.5 are not emergency calls and the person serving you, deserves your undivided attention.

  15. ccmp1974 says:

    Try doing a makeover on someone while they are talking on the phon!!.First I was just going about my stuff but I got to the point that I just stopped and she said “Did you want me to turn the other way??” I said as sweet as sugar ” No I’m just waiting for you to finish” I think she got the hint cause she finally finished her conversation about nothing!!LOL!! So selfish. These people need to get a life and let other get on with theirs!!

  16. Ohhhh I sooooo want to make one for when I work!!! Nothing ticks me off more than people who are too busy talking on their phones that I can’t get a word in to tell them how much they owe…drives me insane. Even more so when there is a line up its like gtfo the phone and pay attention things would be twice as quick if you pay attention to what you are buying and what you owe then trying to talk to someone about your weekend plans.

  17. NorthernGal says:

    There is no cell phone etiquette and there SHOULD BE!! Do you REALLY need to talk to someone while in a public bathroom? Funny we all survived just fine back when dinosaurs roamed and no one carried a cell around like it was surgically attached!

    This is a true story…I’m at work (in retail biz) and a girl comes in while talking on her cell. Hard to assist someone when they are speaking to someone else so I leave her be. She is speaking loud enough and says to the person on the other end of the cell…well I was in emergency because I just had a miscarriage…is this really something to discuss in public?

    The world is in a MAJOR decline when it comes to manners. Civilized folks are a RARE breed these days.

  18. SnowWhiteFanatic says:

    A call that you “have” to take? Gimme a break! If it’s THAT urgent then why are you out shopping?

  19. Natalka says:

    Interesting sign – what store did you take the pic at, Boo?

    I totally agree that it goes both ways. Especially if a customer service clerk is on the phone with a friend – NOT store business!

  20. eyeseeyou333 says:

    OK…OK…. its not just talking on the phone anymore… I work in a dental office…. you can say it is a hard job most of the time….. BUT now the younger generation come in and cant wait 1 hour to TEXT their friends…even if they are waiting in the waiting room for them… now you try to clean teeth while they are texting…. You cant drive a car now while talking or texting.,,, you think these people give a crap if they are standing in line or sitting in a dental chair…. NOPE!!!!

  21. ed_c says:

    This is why I LOVE self serve machines!!! I hope all stores will adopt to this system. I do whatever I want or works better for me. No phone in the car, no phone in store… I run all day long and I don’t have the time to chat while doing nothing. Oh, and I can’t be on the phone at home either because of my baby…

  22. Chase says:

    Yeah, I don’t know how people do it. Personally if I need to make or receive a call, I “step out” – not just to be polite, but because I don’t need nosy Joe Public eavesdropping on my conversation! If I’m on a bus or train or another place where I can’t find a private spot, I keep it short, like I’m sending a telegram (“Will be home in 10 mins. Got takeout. Bye.”).

    I also agree with ed_c, I much prefer the self-serve stations at stores, I’d use one even if there was a cashier with no lineup. Win-win really, more convenient for me and more convenient for someone who’s not comfortable using the machine, because they get a shorter lineup too.

  23. mickei says:

    I am SOOOO glad you posted this! I think it is the rudest thing when a customer is at the counter trying to order food and is on their phone. Every question she has to ask the customer he has to try answering her while still carrying on his phone conversation. It’s so unbelievably disprespectful!

  24. Lori says:

    This sign is brillant. So true, so true. Personally, I have a bigger beef with people talking loudly on their phones on the bus.

  25. j says:

    Coffee shops and fast food restaurants are meant for convenience and for people in a rush. If I am on a call on my way to work, I will continue my call even in a line to maximize my time. I’m just saying…..

  26. lekate says:

    I totally agree! Just the other day, this guy was slowly walking towards the line on his cell, and I jumped ahead of him, no need to wait behind someone who’s going to take long placing his order ’cause he’s on his phone. And he totally didn’t get off his phone to make his order. UGH.

  27. Craig says:

    Most people I’ve seen on the phone in stores are just using the store to talk because it’s quieter. So, when I see that happening I pick up something near the person on the phone and loudly ask the clerk for the price or something about it. The people on the phone usually get the hint. 😉

  28. Karen says:

    All said and done,I can’t count the number of times,I have gone into a store and the clerk was on the phone during the whole transaction,goes both ways.

  29. Emily says:

    100% agree. It always slows down the lines and IS SO EFFING RUDE!!!!!!!!!!! I could say more, but I don’t want to get too riled up haha

  30. nscouponchick says:

    This so much! Can’t stand it when the customer is on the phone! So rude!!

  31. JustaRant says:

    To quote some above posts…
    “I hate to admit but I am one of those ppl…what if it’s an urgent call that happens to ring while I am at the counter! Hey, things happen!”
    “I agree with july princess.
    Sometimes a call comes in you HAVE to take, or its a person you can’t call back. You don’t need my attention to ring my items through.”

    #1 in this day and age, with call display, my question would be why can’t you call the person back, and say “I’m sorry I was just ordering some food (or whatever)”?
    #2 if it’s an urgent call, or someone you CAN’T call back – meaning more urgent than your purchase – then you should be stepping aside, and putting the priority on the phone call, and allowing the cashier to focus their attention on someone who is ready to focus their attention on the task at hand. Don’t forget, you’re being equally disrepectful and unfairly unfocused to the person on the other end of your ‘urgent’ phone call, as you are the cashier.
    #3 Yes the cashier DOES need your attention. ie: would you like fries with that?, what would you like to drink? Are you a member of our prestige program? that comes to $23.50 please…and the list goes on!
    #4 if you listen to all the people who WORK in the retail industry who are saying how they hate it, perhaps you’d really see that when you answer the phone, it makes them feel insignificant, unimportant and disrespected.
    #5 what on earth did we ever do without cell phones????? Oh yah….we waited till we got home! They make our lives easier, but at what cost?

    I’ve worked retail and this has happened often… it’s awkward, disrespectful and time consuming when someone talks on their phone during a purchase. I’ve also, like many people people stood in line behind people on their phone, and it is equally as awkward and I hate waiting to pay while someone to fumbles with their phone, wallet, purchase and whatever else (children!). It’s one thing to wait on a slow cashier, it’s a completely different thing to wait on a slow customer!

    Hopefully this picture will give some people a different perspective!

  32. j says:


  33. ScotchandBoots says:

    Looove this sign! I absolutely agree with it!

    Funny thing, I’ve seen this situation from the other perspective. I worked for many years in a call center, and I have been that person on the other end of the phone. Not personal chit chat, mind you, but I have spoken to many people who have called in for account inquiries, billing disputes, etc. while ordering lunch, standing at the checkout line, walking down the street or driving.

    One woman told me she couldn’t provide me with her account number because she was in the pool giving her toddler swimming lessons. Another guy called from the gym while working out–with all the grunting and heavy breathing, I though I had an obscene caller! I have been asked to “hold on”, followed by 10 minutes of being privy to personal conversations. And, yes, I have even heard the occasional sound of a toilet flushing in the background.

    I really don’t get it! What makes people think it’s okay to take care of business while, erm, taking care of business, so to speak. These people seem to think that they’re saving time by multi-tasking. In fact, just as they can’t focus on others around them, they aren’t always focusing on the person on the other end of the line either. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to repeat myself, explaining very simple concepts over and over because the person is too distracted to “get it”.

    Not to mention people who insist on shouting instead of calling back because the line is static-y. Or calls that get dropped because the caller entered an elevator or drove through a tunnel.

    Contrary to popular belief, trying to do everything at once is less efficient, not more. And it’s just plain rude–we’re still people, even if you only know us as a voice on the phone. If you want to lose friends and alienate people, cell phone usage should be right at the top of the list.

    The moral of the story is: just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

  34. budge says:

    @ justarant i COMPLETLEY AGREE!
    @ j now come on. you’re right about the convience part but what about the other 10 people in line behind you that are in just as much of a “rush” as you and aren’t on their phones. its disrespectful and rude.

  35. Sean says:

    Conversely, I’ve lost count of the number of times young people working the cash wouldn’t stop talking to their co-workers while ringing my stuff through. I think not interacting with the client is just as rude as the client not interacting with the service staff.

    One shows that the client has no regard for the client beyond getting their paycheck, and the other way shows that the client thinks little of the service staff as people.

    That’s why I do everything at self serve checkouts whenever possible. If I wanted to be ignored and rung through mechanically, I can do that myself.

  36. Sara says:

    Justarant….So I’m at the grocery store and the cashier has rang in 45 of my 52 items and I get a call that I HAVE to call back that I am UNABLE to return because of their phone system. So I’m suppose to step aside and let the next customer go ahead?

    Yeaaaa…sure the cashier is just going to LOVE THAT.

    Considering I can function about a 3yr olds level I’m pretty sure I can carry on with my conversation and hand the cashier my credit card. *rolling eyes*

  37. Rick says:

    How about when clerks talking to each other, ignoring the customer? That is far worse.

  38. Natty says:

    @ Sara.

    Having worked in retail and a grocery store I can say that it is pretty easy to cancel an order regardless of how much stuff I had scanned through. It isn’t like I have to put each item back through the scanner again. I just have to punch a few buttons and the whole thing is voided. Sure, that leaves all your stuff on the counter, but if you’ve got an emergency then I could just load everything back into your cart while you tend to whatever you need to and push the cart to the side. Besides, what kind of call would you get that you HAVE to call back and still be able to turn around to get your stuff? If it is an emergency like a family member being injured or something happening to your house, I’m pretty sure you would place priority on that and leave instead of sticking around to buy stuff.

    I’d personally prefer if someone said, “Hey, cancel my order. I have to take a call.” and let me cancel it then stand there and wait for a response.

    Clerks talking to each other is just as bad. It’s a two way street with this issue.

  39. j says:


    Talking on the phone and ordering have never caused me to slow down a line. As a matter of fact, I find it speeds up the process so i don’t need to have idle conversation about the weather with the cashier or the person behind me who just has to talk to someone. Time is money.

  40. cmartin21 says:

    In regards to ”having to answer” while waiting/paying, if for some reason that happens to me, i will ‘excuse’ myself as i answer the phone and let the caller know that i’m busy and to call me back. I dont believe theres ever a reason to talk on the phone while purchasing. if i’m on a call i’ll excuse myself FROM the call, place my order then resume my call. Its just as rude as interrupting someone. What if you’re in mid sentance to one of your co-workers, friends or spouse and ALL OF A SUDDEN they start shouting across the room to someone…how is that any different? wouldnt you be pi$$d off? I know i would..LOVE THE SIGN., Theres actually one up at my local pharmacy

  41. 7mountains says:

    How did all of us over the age of 40 survive without cell phones?? Not being able to talk/text constantly with our bf/gf?? How did we ever get an emergency phone call?? The good old fashioned way… you called the store, the employer, the family member etc. While you are working you are being paid to work not converse on the phone or text. I work in a call center and have had customers on 2 phones at the same time. And yes many toilets flushing in the background as well. Have you no shame??!! I really do not appreciate it when you call me when you are having a bowel movement: toilet matters should be private.

  42. mcminsen says:

    I have head on collisions with people on cell phones on really crowded sidewalks because I won’t jump out of their way as they march down the left side, head down and thinking they can continue to “part the Red Sea” while they yik yak. 🙂

  43. aussie says:

    ooohh love it!!!!
    I hate it when they are busy texting and I have to wait for them to finish…. Grrrrrrrrr

  44. Jonathan says:

    I love this idea. How would the customer like it if the person taking the order was on their cell phone while taking the customer’s order…..they probably wouldn’t. Talking on your cell phone is extremely rude when you are also trying to tslk to someone right there in front of you.

    Remember the old “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” How about “No service for cell phones.”

  45. Deb says:

    I love this sign. I am so tired of people who feel their “stuff” (calls, work, love life, etc) is SO much more important than everyone else’s. The lack of respect and courtesy in the world these days is absolutely shocking. Other than a loved one in critical condition, a fire, an accident – it’s not an “emergency”. People need to get over themselves.

  46. Jo Seff says:

    sorry guys, I don’t work in a coffee shop or a fast food place. When you come to my counter, you NEED to interact with me so I know what you want, how you want it worded, what style of letters you want, where you want it, how big, how small etc etc. Talking on the cell phone will just tick me off and it’ll take that much longer for your order to be ready. Oh, and when you’re on the phone, and I’ve rung your order in and there is another customer waiting for my attention, it’s just plain RUDE! I don’t care about Aunt Martha or where you’re going after you leave my store or what you’re picking up for dinner. Pause your conversation long enough to let me tell you how much you owe and when your order will be ready so I can get to my next customer.
    I can’t believe the people here who think it’s ok to talk on the phone while the clerk puts in your order. Have some respect folks. Just because we don’t have big powerful jobs and can walk around with a phone stuck to our ear all day, doesn’t mean we don’t love our jobs and aren’t good at them. Give us some respect and you’d be amazed at how much better your service will be.

  47. jayne_a says:

    I like this sign. I own a cell phone, but to be honest I haven’t used it since Sept 09. I prefer sitting at home in a quiet environment to talk and not having 20 ppl listen to my conversation. Besides I have more problems with the staff talking on the phone or to other workers about their weekend. Just last week I had to wait 5 mins before the cashier was done talking about her day off. I was very annoyed. I never did that when I worked in retail.

  48. Ashley says:

    I work retail and I honestly don’t care if someone comes up to my counter and is yapping on their cell phone. It’s really not any different than the customer coming up with their sister/daughter/son/husband and yapping at them the whole time I’m ringing them through.

    While it is considered good manners to give the person ringing you in your full attention and I would never use my cell phone while I was going through the cash, I really don’t see the point in complaining about those who do. They probably aren’t going to change so I don’t see the point of getting all huffy about it.

    I have far more important things to be stressed out at work about than a couple of people who have no manners, and they are essentially paying my salary by shopping in my store. There are always going to be rude people in the world, just deal with it and move on.

  49. mnyyoungs says:

    love it!!!!!

  50. misslollieputty says:

    LOL @ this thread – what ever happened to voice mail? And who decided that it’s ok to answer (and make calls from) your cell at work when you’re not a sales rep? Where I was working, half the room had cells on their desk – and used them all day long – calls and texts and let the rest of us make up for their slacking. Fine if they did it during breaks or lunch…I don’t know about them but my friends actually work during the day… 😉

  51. NancyM says:

    I love it it is so annoying when i have to wait longer in line to pay for or order something because the person infront of me is too busy yapping on his/her cell phone :top:

  52. Hilda says:

    I would rather talk on my cell phone than deal with lousy customer service. Most of the time those working behind the counter can’t even be bothered to say hi and don’t acknowledge their customer.

  53. Louise says:

    I feel sorry for anyone who cant even take 5 minutes of their time to order a coffee or finish shopping without *having* to take a call. It must suck not getting any free/personal time like that. If only there was some way to stop these pesky calls from happening like an off button on your phone….

    It’s just common courtesy and manners to interact with the person in front of you, this is something that is lacking on both sides sometimes.

  54. Pettyfan says:

    I agree with this sign 100%..

    A few weeks back, I was in line at a coffee shop. In front of me was this guy, busy typing away on a blackberry. he wasn’t really paying attention to how fast the line was moving. When it was his turn, he still typing away.

    The server looks at me, kinda rolls her eyes. Im getting a little pissed here, for all the reasons mentioned above.

    Next thing that happened stopped me in my tracks,and I felt stupid. The guy was deaf and he had been typing his order into the black berry to the server could look after him.

  55. Katrina says:


    Good story — I think we should all remember that there might be another reason for such behaviour OTHER than “the person is rude”. I think a lot of ppl on here need to save their judgement and get over themselves.

  56. Sara says:

    @ Natty. Where exactly did I say it was an emergency? I said I get calls I HAVE to take.
    Apparently you don’t grasp that people have jobs that require them to answer. Not the kind of calls that you just ASSume it would be.
    And yes, MOST (not all) stores can suspend the transaction. But that would be a completely rediculous thing to do.

  57. couponfreak says:

    I don’t think people understand they are not just being rude to the clerk when you are taking your phone call you are being rude to everyone here is an idea you just have to take that call let the person behind you go ahead. I work retail and the amount of people who throw there credit card on the counter and yap on the phone taking one item out at a time is ridiculous(not to mention stupid what if I dont see it on the counter and someone walks off with it(credit card). Honestly I know many DOCTORS who get life threatening calls who will wait the under 2 minutes to do the transaction and call back or wait for the call back. And yes I know my ring time which includes your payment time (total transaction) it is well over 20 items a minute so do the math even if you have over 100 items and a credit card that you have to dig for or pennies that you want to count you are going to be on your way in under 5 minutes quit being a slave to your phone! I hear so many people say oh this always rings at the wrong time well its ok to call screen just because someone wants to talk to you at this very second doesn’t mean you cant think enough of yourself and others around you to put what you are doing first. I would love to be able to suspend the transaction as so many people with phones then ask after you have rung everything thru how much did this come up at how much was that or oh I had coupons did you see this where did you put that.
    I have also had people who nicely answer their phone and say can you call me back in five minutes or would you mind holding I will be with you in a minute.I am pretty sure if you are not at your desk in your office it would go to voice mail or if you are talking to someone you would put the second person on hold.
    As for staff using there phone tell customer service where I work you can be fired for it we aren’t even suppose to have them on the sales floor.

  58. Joe says:

    Looks like Dunkin’ Donuts from the signage.

  59. ron says:

    Looks like Perks Coffee in N.S

  60. JP says:

    There are many reasons why ppl hold lines and it’s just not cellphones. I have seen people hold the line because their kid starts throwing a tantrum all of a sudden and he/she holds the line by attending their child first and then completing the order. Or what about those who take forever to find change or their credit cards in their purses when its paying time. Or those who can’t make up their minds about what to buy, seriously, think before hand! It’s life and things happen when you least expect it. Maybe a phone call does come and you have to take it. I am sure we have all been a situation where we are waiting for an important call and it doesn’t come until WE ARE BUSY. If a person in front of me is talking on the phone while paying for their order, I honestly don’t have any problem. C’mon we have all held lines unintentionally at least ONCE in our lifetime for various reasons apart from answering a ringing phone.

  61. bambinoitaliano says:

    Nothing is more obnoxious than someone infront of you yapping away while being cash out. I think they should put the signs everywhere in the check out counter. Unless you are a surgeon directing an emergency operation from your cell or you work for NASA and aming a laser beam at a giant meteorite come crashing down towards the earth. Put your god damn cell phone down and finish the task at hand!! Paraphrasing from a novel : You are just not that important!!

  62. Anne Dougherty says:

    Excellent! This should be policy EVERYWHERE. And it would have to be POLICY seeing as common courtesy is becoming obsolete. I recently went into a convenience store that I frequent on a regular basis. My cell phone rarely rings because very few people have my number. On this occasion, as the girl behind the counter was ringing up my purchase, my phone began to ring. I didn’t answer it, as there was nothing that couldn’t wait two seconds. As no one I knew was on their deathbed, and no one I knew had the potential to go into labor at that very moment, I saw no reason to answer my phone while I was paying for my purchase. The cashier, a young girl, actually said to me, “I just really want to thank you for not answering that.” How sad that she has to thank someone for what should be common courtesy.

  63. 905-887-6049 says:

    Canadians simply have no respect

  64. This should be mandatory in all stores for service. Like the no shirt no shoes policy. If you are on your phone then you have to wait until you are off it before being put through the till. The whole thrusting the credit card thing at me really ticks me off too. I don’t know how many times people have thrusted their CC at me while talking on the phone so I can’t tell them they need to put the chip in the bottom of the machine…I can’t do anything with your card sorry you have to do it yourself and you’re holding up the line. I can’t tell you that since you are talking about nothing important to someone who could wait 5 minutes to find out what you are making for supper.
    Also ticks me off the people that will throw a handful of change on the counter and expect me to count it out for them because they don’t have both hands free to count out what they owe me. Seriously?? If you can’t interact with me why should I interact with you? It’s like the people that walk up to the till grunt and glare at me and expect me to be pleasant. Sorry but its a two way street give the amount of respect you want to receive.

  65. Joyce says:

    I think this sign is just plain rude. As a sales clerk, your job is to process my transaction. There is no need for me to speak to you if I’m busy taking an urgent call. All you have to do is scan the items and take my money. No need for a conversation or small talk. You’re paid to work the till…. not to tell me when and where to take my calls.

  66. JP says:

    @Joyce – agreed. Just like how we don’t tell you anything when you talk with other cashiers (quite loud actually) across from you while doing a transaction.

  67. Skippy says:

    I think I should invent a cell phone zapper and I’d make a mint!

  68. Lulu says:

    Word to the Wise…..I wax eyebrows and do facials etc for a living, I am REALLY tired of those that won’t get off the cell/stop texting for 10 mins while I try and perform good customer service…I may ACCIDENTALLY take off a little extra skin if you don’t ”smarten up and get over yourself”…please stop pretending you are so important you look like a rude joke!

  69. T says:

    Sara…have some respect. The comments you continue to make…your “one of those customers” that is so demanding that the world revolves around you. Don’t be so self absorbed and respect others. Do you answer the phone in the washroom stall as well? C’mon. Try it for once…don’t answer the phone. You have control over the phone…not the phone controlling you.

  70. Adam says:

    Lulu, I love you! I don’t blame you and please, if you ever feel the need to take off a little extra, just say, “I’m so sorry, your conversation scared me!”

  71. meghan says:

    in general, i don’t own a cellphone. my husband does. But i really think people have let cellphones take over there lives and alienated them from real human contact. Cell phones have there place in this world. everything in moderation.

  72. Stephanie says:

    @ Joyce – Wow. Now who is rude, with or without the cell phone.

    I’ve worked retail, off and on, for almost 15 yrs. I really dislike being ignored.

    Yes, my JOB is to ring you through the till, but we are also trained in customer service. I TRAIN my associates on customer service. Step 1 is greeting the customers when they enter the store – that now includes a NOD/ SMILE to the customer who walks in talking on their cell phone. WE wouldn’t want to be rude now, would we?

    Then we need to follow up with a customer. What are they looking for? Who are the shopping for – themselves, a gift? How much are they willing to spend? What colour? What size? Or if they know what they came in the store for, do they need assistance finding the item? Carrying it to the front? blah blah blah — that works fine, except the customer who is talking on the phone. Can’t exactly be rude and interrupt their call now can we? Just got keep walking around and hope they get off the phone and see WHY they came in the store.

    THEN they come up to the cash. How am I supposed to ask if they found everything today? I personally like to ask my customers how they are “today”. It makes them feel like I care, and I do. I need to ask them how they will be paying. Ask them to sign, if needed. And how the heck am I to thank them for shopping at *blank* if they’re yapping on the phone? And wish them back to the store?

    I don’t care where I am (Tim’s or any where else). If I am on the phone, I simply say to the person on the phone, “Hey, I’m just going into *Blank* I’ll give you a call back when I’m done.” PERIOD. Sheesh. How hard is that? Yes, I do use the phone in-store occasionally (Hey hon, do we need this item? or Hey hon, what size blind do we need again?…know what I mean? Short and sweet).

    Anyway, it’s not that hard to just “hold the phone” and show some respect. I like my job bc I love the interaction with ppl. Kinda hard to do when you are ignored and treated like crap.

  73. bambinoitaliano says:

    Some of you are such self centre gnats. This is not just about the cashiers job, There are other customers who’s lives are just as important as yours. While you press pause on someone else life. Why don’t you finish this urgent or important call on the side before you ring in your purchase?!! You can’t have your cake and eat it too!

  74. Brooke says:

    Everyone seems to have varied opinions. I think respect if the first thing. If you are on the phone while making a purchase, get off. If it is an emergency phone call then ask the person on the phone to HOLD ON A MOMENT.

    I honestly cannot believe there are people on here trying to say they HAVE to answer phone calls. I bet those are the same people that are driving like idiots because they are on their phones! I pray that SARA doesn’t end up killing someone in an accident because she HAD to take a call and got distracted.

    I was totally fine with customers being on their phone, as long as they were apologetic and considerate. It doesn’t take much to ask the person on the other line to hold a moment. Whenever someone was rude or on their phone while going through my checkout, I would just be extra polite, because those people obviously didn’t have the opportunity to learn proper manners, and I just seem them as rude, grumpy and miserable. Forget them!

  75. Brooke says:

    And to Joyce who said “There is no need for me to speak to you if I’m busy taking an urgent call.” I hope you don’t have kids, or know anyone who has kids, because we don’t need people like you breeding. Courtesy is common sense…actually, after reading all this it doesn’t seem like it is! (manners, you learn them in kindergarden)

  76. save-a-lot says:

    I am a Pharmacy Technician and without a proper discussion with our customers we could kill you! You are not more important than filling your medications and getting proper details so we can actually do our jobs. We used to have a sign but we’re forced to remove it as it was deemed “rude” I now ignore people until they are finished on their cellphone. If they try and ask for help I tell them they will get my help once they wrap it up. I have had people say to the other person “ugh I have to get off the phone to get served” (in a super snotty tone). I am also more apt to give a longer wait time because of your rudeness.

  77. Joyce says:

    @ Brooke

    Don’t worry, I’m not a breeder like you.

    As for those who say, “You don’t have to take that call”….. I run my own business and missing a call can mean a matter of $5000 to $20,000 for me. Yes, I need to take that call. Not all of us are stay-at-home moms who’s biggest concern is changing diapers.

  78. bambinoitaliano says:

    If the call is worth so much and deem important enough for you. Obviously your purchase is unimportant. Step aside and allow others to go ahead instead of making others wait. It’s not a hard choice to make. You are not at the operation table. It’s not either or. Just some very basic common sense. Since you are in the business of making a $5000 to $20000 decision, you should be able to distinguish that much I assume.

  79. Lisa says:

    I’ve been behind someone who was on the phone the whole time of the transaction and then after it was paid for realized “wait, this shouldn’t be that much..how much did that and that and that ring in at?” well, if you were paying attention you would effing know and know!

  80. Ciel says:

    So those cellphone etiquette rules that cellphone users are to observe are mostly not observed. Also, it seems that the mobile phone users have not acquainted themselves with their phones features to make regular use of directing calls to their voicemail. Hmmm….convenience for some folks means inconveniencing others. Yes, I agree with that visual display of a sign at the counter–too many retail stores let customers walk over the store staff, not exactly conducive to staff turnover rates.

    I dislike hearing a woman talking on her phone in a public bathroom stall when I and other women are using the washrooms at the mall or office buildings or dept. stores.

  81. Catherine L says:


    Your attitude is horrible. I hope I never have to do business with you. Referring to mothers as breeders shows what kind of character you have. A mother’s main concern is not changing diapers. They have every single aspect of another human being’s life in their hands, something you obviously do not understand. If you can’t have respect for the most important job in the world, then I can see how you’d think a cashier is too lowly to treat with some common decency. And just for the record I am not a mother and do not plan on being one, but it doesn’t stop me from having respect for what they do and how difficult their job really is.

  82. Rachel says:

    Sorry Joyce, not buying it. I know people who are high up in multi-million dollar companies and they are all capable of letting calls go to voicemail or asking the other person to hold while they order coffee/buy lunch/ etc; You”re not as important as you think you are.

    For those that see no problem answering calls while conducting business, I have a question. Would you take a call in the middle of a date? Would you answer in the middle of a conversation with your mother or your best friend? If it would be rude to treat your friends and family that way it’s rude when you do it to strangers too.

  83. Sally says:

    Its amazing to read how people “have to” take calls. Remember when there were no cell phones? Life still went on. Trust me there were just as many “important” must take calls back then and life still went on….

    Joyce, your just being plain rude. Simple as that. It was a “breeder” that gave birth to you so I think you need to rethink your harsh words.

  84. chickendog says:

    Rude people need to be told!

  85. j says:

    I agree with Joyce and JP. But I also have realized that this site was supposed to be a fun place for me to find good deals and freebies. Not a site to be annoyed by uppity issues such as using a cellphone in line. As a matter of fact, I may just use my phone in all lines for casual conversations from now on.

    As for SmartCanucks, I might just start using other deals website instead. That way I don’t have to listen to peoples ridiculous opinions.

  86. bambinoitaliano says:

    Not fun place to be because people got call out for their obnoxious behavior? It’s a free site . You can come and go as you please. That little tantrum won’t muzzled others opinions because you can’t accept how one should behave in a civilized society.I was going to wish you find more deals in other site. Then I thought about those poor cahsiers and customers have to wait for you incase you feel like chatter away your important deals at the front counter.

  87. Brooke says:

    For the one who said they would go to another site because they don’t like the above conversation, go for it! Unlike your cell phone, you do not HAVE to use this website. You don’t have to read these posts either. If you want smartcanucks for deals and freebies, those forums are very clearly marked. So only go to them. 🙂 I feel like I’m 18 again! (and by that I mean I feel like I am in highschool haha!)

  88. Brooke says:

    Oh and Joyce, I know all your mother worried about was changing your diaper. But good mothers are busy teaching their children manners.

  89. James says:

    Anyone else notice the sign in the background, looks like it says to text something in order to get some discounted item from this store. A little odd. One sign telling you get off your phone, a second asking you to sign up for their texting deals right behind it???

  90. Lori says:

    Joyce, we all deal with customers like you and when you leave the building we all have a nice little name for you too. We don’t consider you important, we consider you a b****.

  91. bambinoitaliano says:

    That’s just a very nice word considering there are many more option of one can use. It just incensed me that some people have that kind of self-entitlement attitude like the whole world need to kowtow to them. To these people I say, get your own island, summit your application to the UN to be an independent nation and declare yourself as the King or the Queen, then and only then you should feel entitled. Otherwise shut your phone and shut your trap and move along. Stepping down on people at a retail store does not make you look regal at all. Unless you are Oprah who can afford to tell the store to close down just for your own shopping pleasure by dropping hundres of thousands of dollars.

  92. Alison says:

    I think this is really silly. Most people would not think twice about having a conversation with a friend or child while going through the line barely paying attention to the sales clerk. I agree it is impolite but a simple sorry I am on the phone is sufficient and continue with your conversation. As a Mom, I am constantly multi tasking to spend more time with my kids. I say please and thank you to every sales clerk and do not believe that me talking on my phone affects their job. Most often they do not say anything to me anyway.

  93. My name says:

    People, let it go, do the job you are paid for, serving your customers and NOT educating them nor raisng them.
    Your job called: Customer service, so serve your customers PLEASE and stop crying about the way they order their food, and if you don’t like the way things is, go find another job, simple.

  94. Joyce says:

    @ Lori. Honey, I could care less what a “customer service representative” says behind me back. Trust me, I have more important things to attend to. 🙂

  95. j says:

    posts 92-94…I agree 🙂

  96. Brooke says:

    @Joyce, you could care less “what a customer service representative says behind ME back”??
    So far your mommy forgot to teach you manners and now grammar. So sad..:(

  97. PeaceNLove says:

    @Joyce you sound like you are the type who would complain if the cashier went to the washroom because they would be wasting your time…No lie I had a customer tell me to my face that I shouldn’t be allowed to use the washroom while working a 9 hour shift alone (we were very short staffed) because he had better things to do then wait for me.
    The cashiers are HUMAN they DESERVE to be treated as such.
    I actually really enjoy working store front. I work in the offices but when we are short staffed or busy I will work in the store. I am a people person and there are always 10 very nice amazing people for every one complaining person that I have to put through. Sometimes it makes me want to retreat to the office though out of frustration when there is no pleasing someone.

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