Facebook Canada Marcelle Giveaway: Refer 10 Friends & Receive A Free BB Cream


Marcelle wants you to help get the word out about their new BB Cream.  To entice you they are offering a free (only 250 available) BB Cream when 10 of your Facebook friends sign up.  When you reach 10 referrals they will send you a free BB Cream including shipping.

Click here to sign up.

But, if you’d like to help out others click a random link in the comment section to help others out.  After you sign up you may do the same!

Thanks Koala for the heads up.

105 responses to “Facebook Canada Marcelle Giveaway: Refer 10 Friends & Receive A Free BB Cream”

  1. anna says:

    please feel free to help 🙂 it would be very much appreciated!


  2. Chelsey says:

    http://on.fb.me/wLMyyv Feel free to help me too ^_^!

  3. izawa says:

    Helped sally 🙂
    Please help me too: http://on.fb.me/yWRmVb

  4. Katie says:


    I would really appreciate it if you would be kind enough to help me out. Thank you in advance and good luck getting yours too!!! 🙂

  5. PORTOBELLA says:

    Please help!! 4 more referrals needed. Thanks so much!! http://on.fb.me/ynUWpt

  6. disappointed says:

    Wow, I submitted this under “suggest a deal” about 1/2 an hour ago. I thought it would be a nice way to share a great freebie with my fellow smart canucks, and also get to my required 10 quicker…I guess didn’t realize the “author” would submit it under her own name and ask for credit. For anyone who wants to help the actual finder of this deal, like them HERE please: http://on.fb.me/AsBNl7

  7. koala says:

    Thanks for this post. I would appreciate the help

  8. Ashley says:

    Please Help I am super close…

  9. ashokia says:


    Still need 10. Any clicks would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

    Did I mention it’s my birthday tomorrow? 😉

  10. Crystal says:


    could someone PLEASE help me??

    THanks in advance!

  11. Weiweishine says:

    Clicked on Stephania’s link. Now if someone could help me PLEASE! Thanks!

  12. Weiweishine says:

    It will be helpful if you could let others know when you have reached your 10 person’s goal. That way everyone will be able to get some help. Not only the comments on the top.

  13. Julia says:

    Helped a fellow SCer! Would appreciate some help toooooo :):) Thank you!

  14. Cindy says:

    used Ashley’s link, hope she could get one!
    Would really appreciate the help:

  15. Katie says:

    Thanks so much to the person who used my link to sign up! 9 more to go! http://on.fb.me/x57CHg 🙂

  16. Ashley says:

    Thank you cindy

  17. Crystal says:

    Still need people! Will inform when/if i meet the 10 person goal.

  18. Deanna says:

    Could you please help me out as well.


  19. Sally says:

    Sorry “dissapointed” but I haven’t even checked the suggest a deals, I found out about this offer almost 3 hours ago via Koala. She can even vouch for that.

  20. Applepie says:

    Thanks for any help:

  21. koala says:

    “Dissapointed”, I did alert Sally to this deal a few hours ago. Many times I alert her to freebies without going through the forum. I hope this clears up a misunderstanding.

    …and I’m still trying to get my 10 so the first person out the gate doesn’t always win.


  22. Analyn says:

    Clicked on Weiweishine’s link. Can someone help me please!!!

  23. hehe says:

    still need my 9 lol :o)


  24. disappointed says:

    Alrighty, sorry to assume. It was my first time actually finding a deal that SC wasn’t aware of yet (or so I thought lol). I love this site and all the generous people who post the tips. I was super excited to share my first tip, and felt deflated when I saw it posted by someone else after I had submitted it. My sincerest apologies, Sally and Koala–I didn’t know how it worked.

  25. amy says:

    i need 9 if ppl can help…

  26. matchstix says:

    i only need 2 more! here is my link:

  27. Sally says:

    It’s ok Dissapointed, but I would never ever do that to an scer, thats why when you see me put “so and so used the suggest a deal form” thats where I got it from. I always give credit for those 🙂 Sometimes stuff is posted on the forum but I get it in an email first etc.

    🙂 Post your link again were all here helping each other out.

  28. Diana says:

    i only need 3 more. please help if you can

  29. Jessy says:

    Thank you! I just signed up. : )

  30. Weiweishine says:

    Thanks! Analyn! Now only need 8 more 🙂
    Thanks everyone! http://on.fb.me/Ah2OYf

  31. Kristina says:

    I would appreciate the help! Thank you!

  32. matrix82 says:

    Still need 10 🙁


  33. Sylvia says:

    Please help me with a referral! Thanks


  34. disappointed says:



    Thanks so much

  35. amy says:

    i need 6 more now plz help this is a awesome freebie!

  36. Crystal says:

    anyone? would be grateful for any help!

  37. Fiona says:

    Much appreciated for your help, and in return I will help you!


  38. Sania says:

    May I have help from 9 friends please, will help you in return . Thanks in advance.

  39. Nathalie says:

    Hi Guys,

    If you haven’t made a referral I would love one too


    Thank you

  40. jenny says:


    Please help me for referral, Thanks sooo much 🙂
    I still need 7 more…

  41. Eric says:

    I dont need any help, have tons of friends that will do this for me, just have to write a post in my status! Thank for the post!

  42. monkeyincowtown says:

    Signed up under koala 🙂 Please use my link to join too http://on.fb.me/AlAdxA

  43. Autumn7 says:

    Please help if you can 🙂 Still need 8 more…


  44. Shaunah says:

    I used Koala’s. Thank you for the heads up : )

    Disappointed, I did the same thing before – submitted a new freebie via suggest a deal, but it was posted under another who got to it before me. I also never submitted a freebie before because I figured someone else would, but it wasn’t posted by anyone until two days later! You never know, I say just submit it anyways – we all benefit, regardless of who gets the credit for it!

    My link:


  45. Brenda says:

    My daughter has been talking nonstop about BB creams ever since she became obsessed with the Korean culture. I would love to get one for her. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


    I still need 9.

  46. amy says:

    I need 2 more refferalls could somebody plz help me? would really appreciate it. 🙂


  47. Julia says:

    I only have 7 left to go….can anyone please help? 🙂


  48. Holly says:


    if anyone could please help that would be amazing!

  49. Christina says:


    prettttttty please!

  50. AmberLab says:

    I joined under Sally…http://on.fb.me/yzo47s

  51. Maddi says:


    Just signed up! If anyone can, please help!
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  52. Tara says:

    http://on.fb.me/xH4CpP Please help me out, thanks a mint!

  53. ownedbytoby says:


    Thanks for any help! 🙂

  54. Lori says:

    Did yours Maddi, good luck.

  55. thedreamer says:

    @Tara- just clicked yours.

    Here’s mine: http://on.fb.me/zZ5FIA

    Thanks in advance to anybody who could help me out 🙂

  56. clementine says:

    Hi my fellow SC-ers! Here is my referral link!


  57. vinus says:


    I need 6 more friends pls.

  58. amber says:

    helpppppppppppppppppppp help ->http://on.fb.me/zcTqMd

  59. Stephania says:

    I guess I can start spamming friends, but I still need 9 more referrals!!!: http://on.fb.me/yJ9s93

  60. Donna says:

    Could anyone help me please? Thank you in advance to anyone that can! http://on.fb.me/y42jBn

  61. Brenda says:

    I need 8. If you help me, I will love you forever and ever and send you amazing amounts of good karma!


  62. vibrantflame says:

    Oooh if anyone could help me, please!! I helped someone else 🙂


  63. cinn says:

    please help me! i have no one 🙁 (i still need all 10)
    much help is appreciated!!


  64. amber says:

    please help need 9 more .. click link and participate http://on.fb.me/zcTqMd

  65. Isabel says:

    Whoops wrong link. Here’s the correct one and thanks for all the help! http://on.fb.me/wwF7Hf

  66. Teresa says:

    http://on.fb.me/AsJhq6 (Thanks in advance, will do the same). 🙂

  67. G Rai says:

    http://on.fb.me/xziWeS any help will be greatly appreciated TIA <3 🙂

  68. Shannon says:

    Would appreciate some help, i need ONE more. http://on.fb.me/zAHdf1

  69. G Rai says:

    http://on.fb.me/xziWeS please help me out TIA

  70. G Rai says:

    sorry for the re post i thought the first one didn’t get through :S

  71. Annie says:


    would appreciate the help

  72. boyzmom33 says:

    I still need 9……….Thanks in advance for any help!!


  73. ryanmike says:

    I still need 9 as well


  74. Jean says:

    Would appreciate any help.
    Thanks a bunch. (need 9)


  75. Snoopy2020 says:

    I will help out as many people as I can. Please do the same. Thanks.


  76. Tina (stellimom) says:

    Hi Guys,

    I am trying to help out everyone, but whenever I click the links I get back to mine (http://on.fb.me/Aeb4oA). How can I help you all out? Is it because all the samples are gone? I will stay on this page. Hopefully someone will know what I can do.
    Thanks all :O) Trying to help as much as I can

  77. Tina (stellimom) says:

    Any one know? http://on.fb.me/Aeb4oA

  78. julyprincess says:

    I would love some help as well! http://on.fb.me/xrSSKu Thank you so much!

  79. Charlene says:

    I hope you are all getting my help. I’ve clicked a lot you them, but it keeps coming up say ‘You have already Participated.” So I dont know if its working or not.
    I still need 8 more if anyone could please help!


  80. potohgold says:

    I’ve got problem skin so I’m always on the hunt for new facial products!

    I still need 10 and would be so grateful if you would use my link if you would like to sign up:


  81. Applepie says:

    Need 6 pretty please:):

  82. Funkymunky says:

    guys you can only sign up ONCE
    so if you did and referred friends you CANNOT use other ppl’s links to help them
    if I’m understanding this correctly!

  83. Louloulou says:

    Need 10 referals! Thanks guys!

  84. Melodies says:

    I’m really looking forward to this. Please sign up if you can help! Thanks so much!!!


  85. Natalie says:

    Hello, if anybody has the time to help me out to receive a sample I would greatly appreciate it! I still need 7 more people…thanks to anybody who helps in advance! 🙂 http://on.fb.me/y3FlQx

  86. :D says:

    Please please please!
    Would LOVE if someone can sign up under me!


  87. mel says:

    help please !! thankss !! 🙂


  88. Saffron says:

    I need 9 more friends still!

  89. honeybee. says:

    I could use some help, please!!!


  90. honeybee. says:

    Just need 6 more!!!


  91. Kelsie says:

    I am only two more people away from my free sample! I would very very very very much appreciate it if a few of you helped me out and signed up 🙂


  92. andrea says:

    Much appreciated:


  93. maria says:



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