Facebook Freebie: Dr. Oetker Mug Cake Via Save.Ca


Got a craving for cake but don’t have time? Dr. Oetker on Facebook is giving away coupons to try their new Mug Cake. It takes only five minutes to prepare in the microwave and the only ingredient you need to add is milk. What do you think of this cake shortcut? Will you be trying it?

CLICK HERE to “Like” Dr. Oetker on Facebook, then click the red tab on the upper right corner that says “Get Coupon” and you will be directed to Save.ca.

Thanks to matchstix for posting this in our Freebies forum!

9 responses to “Facebook Freebie: Dr. Oetker Mug Cake Via Save.Ca”

  1. RedEng says:

    Thanks for the info. However there seems to be a problem with the save.ca site. For me and others the coupon is not appearing. Dr. Oetker facebook page says to contact [email protected] directly. I did this, you automatically will get an automated response from save.ca, you need to re-email your problem to get save.ca attention.

  2. Baygirl32 says:

    I got a buy one get one coupon

  3. ms t says:

    they seemed to have fixed the problem – the BOGO coupon is now appearing on the save.ca website

  4. Mile says:

    The coupon I got is BOGO free.

  5. Nurse Jenn says:

    I have tried this “cake” before and it is actually quite good coming from a box. It is nice because you only dirty a spoon and a mug, not like when you make sauce n cake from a box or even better from scratch. From scratch it is always the best but if you don’t have time the mug cake takes you back to good childhood/adulthood memories.

  6. jen says:

    Got BOGO coupon as well

  7. Stephanie says:

    “Hi Dr. Oetker fans! The Free Mug Cake coupons have all been claimed. To access the BOGO Mug Cake coupon please click the Great Taste Maker app and then click the red corner.”
    Not working for me … all I get is an empty box 🙁

  8. Mrs. Doubtflier says:

    Does anyone else have issues claiming facebook only freebies? I am logged in but I can never see the links on these facebook pages on my iPhone. Oh how I long for the days when companies didn’t go through facebook, samples didn’t run out so quickly either. Oh my I’m going on about the golden ages. Lol.

  9. coley3 says:

    Got a BOGO as well


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