Got lots of peanut butter from recent sales? Why not make a peanut butter bird feeder for the birds this fall/winter. An easy craft to make yourself or with the kids.
All you need is:
- Peanut Butter
- Margarine
- Large Pinecone(s)
- Bird Seed (mixed)
- Yarn
Find as many pinecones as you’d like. If you don’t have any pinetrees in your yard take a quick walk. Tie about 3-4 feet of yarn around the large part of the pinecon. Mix 3 tablespoons of peanut butter and margarine together. Spread all over pinecone. Roll the pinecone in the bird seed. (working over newspaper makes quick cleanup) To make everything stick better place the pinecones in the freezer for an hour or so. Tie birdfeeder to a tree. Make sure you tie it high enough so the squirrels don’t run off with it!
Happy bird watching.