Food Basics Ontario: Nestle Pure Life Flavoured Sparkling Water 12pk 49 Cents After Coupon


Many of you participated in the Nestle challenge a couple of weeks ago, that allowed you to print a coupon for $3 off the purchase of Nestle Pure Life Flavoured Sparkling Water 12 packs. It looks like that offer is no longer available, but if you were able to print that coupon here is a great chance to use it this week.

Food Basics Ontario has the cases of 12 Nestle Pure Life Sparkling water on sale for just $3.49. This is probably one of the cheapest prices you will ever see as a typical sale price is usually $3.99 or more. Use your printable coupon and pay just 49 cents for 12 cans, which is just over 4 cents a can!

Just note that the printable coupon does say one per customer, so be prepared to do multiple transactions if you do have multiple coupons.

Click here to view this offer in the Food Basics Ontario flyer valid June 16th to 22nd.

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