Food Recall Warning: Consumption of Sareks Brand Bitter Apricot Kernels May Cause Cyanide Poisoning


Food Recall Warning Consumption of Sareks Brand Bitter Apricot Kernels May Cause Cyanide Poisoning

What to do: Do not consume the recalled product as it contains excessive amygdalin which may cause acute cyanide poisoning.

Distribution: Ontario

Click here to view the affected products.

What you should do

  • If you think you became sick from consuming a recalled product, contact your healthcare provider
  • Check to see if you have recalled products
  • Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the recalled product are advised to contact their retailer
  • Do not consume, serve, use, sell, or distribute recalled products
  • Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased

Apricot kernels naturally contain amygdalin, which can release cyanide after being eaten. The human body can eliminate small amounts of cyanide, but larger amounts can result in cyanide poisoning, which could lead to death.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include weakness and confusion, anxiety, restlessness, headache, nausea, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, seizures and cardiac arrest.

Click here to read more information about this recall.

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