Forever 21 Canada: Save Extra 30% Off Sale Items!

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Forever 21 is another retailer jumping on the Labour Day Weekend/Back To School Sale bandwagon! They’re offering 30% off on their sale items, so it’s a Sale On Sale. There wasn’t an indication of when the sale ends, but it did state, “Labor Day Weekend Sale”.

It seems like most places are also doing online sales, so you don’t even need to leave the comforts of your home. 🙂

F21 is not age appropriate for most of you, but you may have daughters (or even sons) who are into their stuff.

Click here to start your shopping!

14 responses to “Forever 21 Canada: Save Extra 30% Off Sale Items!”

  1. r0c0upons says:


  2. Mia says:

    ^ laughing because of the “age appropriate” thing?

    me too.

  3. Ginger says:

    Wow. What is with that age appropriate comment? I’m sure most people can judge for themselves.

  4. Natalka says:

    “F21 is not age appropriate for most of you, but you may have daughters (or even sons) who are into their stuff.”

    OY, sheesh!

    uh, thanks for the post

  5. kathy says:

    HAHAHAH that is what stuck with me from that post too.
    I’m glad I’m still 21. at heart.

  6. curious says:

    woah! how can you assume how old your readers are? just because we use coupons doesn’t mean we’re older!

  7. Krissy says:

    i am 30 and i still buy from forever 21. lol

  8. Lucy Low says:

    Im 16 lol I always go here.. i think im good…

  9. Lily says:

    I’m 28 and i do buy pieces from there regularly. Mostly tops and accessories. The pieces i wear would look very old on a teen.

    To those who think it’s too “young”, don’t be put off by the display mannequins, actually go INTO the store and you’re sure to find some more sober or business appropriate pieces.

  10. Funkymunky says:

    is that all you guys could find to jump the usual hate bandwagon? pathetic.

  11. Kristen says:

    Using coupons doesn’t make somebody old, besides people are entitled to dress however they like regardless of their age.

  12. Guest says:

    @Funkymunky : to call us pathetic makes it obvious you’re the only one on the hate bandwagon here. I don’t find anyone’s comment too harsh, people are just speaking their mind. Honestly when I read this post I was a bit surprised by the age comment. To be fair, although it’s generalized that most coupon users are older, it can’t be assumed that everyone using this website is in that age range. The age comment can also make older users who actually shop at XXI feel uncomfortable. I’m 21 myself so just to avoid anything like this happening again I would refrain from making such age comments.

  13. Rene says:

    “Is not age appropriate”? Last I checked, they still carried basics, like long sleeved shirts, camisoles, and jeans, many of which people of all ages wear. I’m also 21, and I found that to be very judgemental.

  14. jen says:

    boo! i think the canada site is down!


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