Free Bear Paws Cereal & Fruit When You Buy Nestle Water

Check your local stores for this great promo on Nestle water and Bear Paws.  Peelies are showing up in stores for a free pack of Bear Paws Cereal + Fruit when you buy a case of Nestle water.  Nestle water goes on sale all the time and many qualify for the Nestle Mail in Rebate deal.

These were reported a few weeks back on our forums but do seem to actually be available in stores now.

4 responses to “Free Bear Paws Cereal & Fruit When You Buy Nestle Water”

  1. thumpersmom says:

    Is the Nestle rebate deal still in effect?

  2. Natalka says:

    Rebate was over August 31.

  3. FallenPixels says:

    The user who found them said they were good for the rebate, maybe a new one? or she was mistaken

  4. Amanda says:

    It’s too bad I can’t stand Nestle water lol


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