Thanks harkatsmom for posting this fabulous freebie on the forum 😀
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Thanks so much Harkatsmom for the fabulous find.
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Thanks Harkatsmom for this great find
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Normally I love free stuff (yaaaay smart canucks!) but folks should think twice about some of this free stuff.
Lots of unnecessary chemicals in most of these freebies. (Air fresheners in particular have a load of nasty ingredients).
Sometimes a better deal is no deal at all (that is, if you don’t need it, you save your time and your money!)
My 2 cents — for what it’s worth!
I agree, and find the whole concept of air fresheners to be quite baffling. Chemicals used to “scent” a room.. voluntarily?! Can’t be healthy.
Great, thanks!
I find it kind of weird that they ask you for your postal code but not your address…
I agree with freeisme…..they request a postal code but no address. Perhaps the individual produts site will offer the freebies and request an address.
thanks for the wonderful post!