Free coffee from Melitta Canada on Facebook

Canadian Freebies, Free Stuff


Many companies are beginning to utilize Facebook and more and more are giving out samples of their products or services and personally I am loving it!

“Like” Melitta Canada on Facebook for the opportunity to get yourself a coupon for a free bag of their World Harvest coffee, a $13.99 value.They are giving away 10 coupons at a random time every day until January 30th 2011.

I don’t know about you but I can’t function before I have had my morning coffee… I am not exactly what one would call a “morning person”…. just ask my husband, he’ll tell you.

20 responses to “Free coffee from Melitta Canada on Facebook”

  1. mia says:

    good luck if you trying to have one …it goes away in 1 minutes…like the caramilk freebies!!!5 days of trying and never scored one lol

  2. sabina says:

    I got one a few days ago I just happened to be on facebook right when they posted it and got one 🙂

  3. larry says:

    good way to track cookies and send out mass emails from these companies who put out a minimum of goodies to attract people ….might as well just phone and leave your # so they can call you back

  4. dawn says:

    This why I will not go for offers from Face Book . I would rather miss it then go on face book . If Companies would like me to buy put out in an open offer no strings

  5. Leia says:

    Really? I got the Caramilk freebie on the first try. They came in the mail a few weeks ago already.

  6. Melody Halls says:

    I have not gotten any spam from all the free facebook offers I’ve gotten.

  7. Helina says:

    Yeah, I saw this on here today and just scored a bag. I got the Caramilk one the 1st time too. Last night my husband and I also got a protein powder 900g container from Facebook last night!

  8. Melissa says:

    Yes I got one!!

  9. Poirot says:

    I wish companies would stop giving out good freebies on Facebook too.I’m never joining Facebook either.

  10. tammy says:

    i got the carmilk and got no spams and got a cofee on sunday!! woo

  11. Sherrybobins says:

    I got the cramilk one too 🙂 And devoured them in about 2 hours…lol. I shall try the coffee!

  12. ownedbytoby says:

    Can anyone tell me where you find this coffee? I got a free coupon from and it expired because I couldn’t find a store that carried it. 🙁

  13. MJ says:

    i found melitta at Metro last time…..

  14. Ruby says:

    I don’t know how likely you are to get spam on Facebook, but “liking” anything has repercussions. Melitta, like others, are trying to promote their product and have as many people like it as possible – inflating their status via the web. Do you like it, or are you just saying so in hopes of getting their product? Additionally, liking a product often means providing the company with information about you through your profile, especially when individuals aren’t careful with their Facebook settings (which are often set to a default offering minimal protection to users).

  15. smart1e says:

    Found it in bulk at Walmart. Coupon is usually for $2 so buy 100gr and get it free ($2/100gr)

  16. PPk says:

    I have a 2nd faceboom account for these stuff and they can spam no one caz I have no friends on that accoint

  17. Lisa says:

    Zellers sells it too..
    been trying but can’t get this one..I happened to be on fb when it was posted and within 3 minutes it was gone but they have to be giving away more than 10 because atleast 15 people posted on fb that day that they got the coupon?

  18. Ruby says:

    Ahhh, faceboom. I love that site! Perfect for those of us who experiment with baking soda and vinegar, or Diet Coke and Menthos. Not the best profile pictures, mind you, but a great site for some volatile commentary.

  19. Mimi says:

    I got one today. Yeah!

  20. I guess my restraining order expired, time to rent a bounce e bounce and set it up in front of her house


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