*Free* “Evil Ronald McDonald” Mask from PETA

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“Want to have the scariest Halloween costume ever, start some buzz handing out leaflets at school or around town, or just take some sweet Facebook pics and get the word out about McDonald’s cruel treatment of chickens? You’ve come to the right place!

Every year, millions of chickens are raised and killed for McDonald’s restaurants. Many of these birds suffer broken legs and wings and other serious injuries. They have their throats cut while they’re still conscious, and many are even scalded to death—despite the fact that less cruel slaughter methods exist. Chickens need your help!”

Thanks to… Melody113 for posting this deal for us!!

Click here to order your Evil Ronald Mask from PETA!

51 responses to “*Free* “Evil Ronald McDonald” Mask from PETA”

  1. mlongboat says:

    bahahaha!!! I love this mask. But I love nuggets and snackwraps more:)

  2. missbobloblaw says:

    crap….that scared me when the screen popped up!

  3. cheapskate101 says:

    i cant find ON in the province thingy

  4. cheapskate101 says:

    ha nevermind:-P

  5. Abby says:

    is it like a rubbery mask?
    or like some cardboard/paper mask?

  6. Justine says:

    You have to select country first, then go back and fill out the province field.

    I know the mask IS scary!

  7. Melody113 says:

    Abby looks like paper to me

  8. Abby says:

    oh thanks dang well i’ll make it look cool ha ha

  9. Al Wood says:

    PETA is pathetic.

    I donated to them once, and i’ve been harassed ever since, asked them to get off their mailing list a number of times, but no luck (even when they told me they took me off the list).

    I receive so much junk mail from them asking for donations, it’s pathetic. Sure, it’s great to care for the animals, but what about all the environmental damage they cause with the constant mailings (at least once a month I get something from them!).

    I’d be VERY cautious in signing up for this “freebie”, I can guarantee you’ll get way more than a stupid mask.

  10. Alex says:

    Check this evil character out! They guy above lives at this guys place sometimes.

    Take care

  11. bev says:

    I don’t think Sc’s blog is the place to advocate such a strong opinion

  12. The_Scarecrow says:

    Why so serious PETA?

  13. Boo Radley says:

    Mmmmmmmmmmm CHICKEN 😀

  14. Buskieboy says:

    I don’t think this is the right forum for “political” things like this. It isn’t a “deal” at all, but a way to make a personal statement AND get names and addresses on PETA’s email list.

    I think this “deal” should be removed, in fact it should never have made it to the mail out list.

  15. leeleelala says:


  16. Patty says:

    Reminds me of the movie IT.

    PETA would still have us believe that they slaughter White seals here in the great white north.

    Cool mask but I disagree with their methods entirely.

  17. Rob says:

    So much for their “no longer targeting kids”…

  18. FreebieChick says:

    I never did receive their Olson Twins mas i ordered last time for Halloween, but yes now i get free mailing labels from them sometimes.

  19. Mightyconan says:

    I’ll only get one if it’s fur trimmed.

  20. Bugga Bugga says:


  21. stephanie says:

    Doesn’t belong here…PETA has done more harm than the good it claims to endorse. This should be removed…SC is about helping people save money and find great deals….not about this extremist propoganda

  22. Eric says:

    Hey, Al Wood, the next time you get a request from PETA for donations, send them back the envelope filled with coupons for McDonalds and KFC.

  23. Alex says:

    Company behaviour needs to be part of the consideration when it comes to the final purchase or service by the consumer.
    Out of site, out of mind thinking does not cut it anymore. Companies must be held accountable for their actions. It’s called integrity.

  24. Kathleen says:

    Eric LMAO that is so funny I will have to remember that one just in case

  25. Alex says:

    “Many of these birds suffer broken legs and wings and other serious injuries. They have their throats cut while they’re still conscious, and many are even scalded to death—despite the fact that less cruel slaughter methods exist.”~SC’s article.

    If this is the case then McDonalds should be held accountable and encouraged to find more humane methods.
    I don’t see the humour in this subject.

  26. nsangel says:

    as freebiechick mentioned, we never did get the halloween ones for the olson twins. i use a secondary email, so i don’t get the disturbing emails. avoid tihs offer, it just doesn’t come anyway.

  27. miss_jolie says:

    I think this mask just promotes McDonalds.

  28. Catherine says:

    My own opinion is- this site is a free-for all- literally- anything you can get for free is posted here, I don’t think it’s supporting anything other than a potential free halloween mask. If you don’t support PETA then don’t order the mask.

  29. Bytown says:

    Political propaganda tools should not be allowed here.

    How is this a “Smart” Canuck deal?

  30. Rob says:

    I don’t think anyone would appreciate it if someone posted a freebie from that whackass group that pickets military funerals and claims that they died because homosexuality is legal. It’s offensive. Clearly many people find PETA offensive and abhorrent and therefore it shouldn’t be here either. Maybe have a poll?

  31. itsjustmebub says:

    sorry if you are offended!
    if it’s not for you, then simply don’t order it!
    (such as me lol)

  32. itsjustmebub says:

    i agree miss_jolie
    i see the mask and think “MCDONALDS!! ding ding ding!!”
    not Peta in any way

  33. alyson says:

    I just ate chicken nuggets 🙁 now I feel bad

  34. itsjustmebub says:

    i heart chicken nuggets lol

  35. The_Scarecrow says:

    M&M chicken nuggets are probably way better anyways, just had them….. yummo.

  36. Kitty says:

    I agree with many of the comments voiced before me. I don’t believe that this sort of post is appropriate.

  37. Zephyr says:

    I just had to say that this is kind of a stupid idea at the core to begin with. How many people are actually going to identify this as an “evil ronald mcdonald PETA protest mask”? And how many people actually agree with PETA’s stance on McDonalds? The majority of us are meat eaters anyway whether you dine at McDonalds or not…

    PETA are extremist morons. I was vegetarian for a year of my life for several reasons, but I never subscribed to the radical views of PETA. I think this is just a straight up lame giveaway for the reasons mentioned above.

  38. coupon kid says:

    I think the point is: free mask –may or not arrive;
    Being added to annoying mailing list: may or may happen
    Do you really need this freebie?
    (this is not a political statement –just a logical statement)

  39. Justine says:

    I think people need to have a sense of humour.
    Alex, I was simply quoting the PETA site when I wrote up this blog post. It isn’t representing SC’s opinion of chicken welfare or anything like that.

  40. Alex says:

    Just another political posting imho. STOP feeding the political trolls! They have nothing else to do except whining about corporate wrongdoings. Folks, let’s stick to the BARGAINS. 🙂

    • Justine says:

      I didn’t post this to make any kind of political statement, I can guarantee you that. I just thought the mask was cool.

  41. Mr. Truth says:

    Evil Ronald McDonald vs The Joker – who would win?

  42. Alex says:

    Consumers should be considering more than just price tag when it comes to supporting one company or brand over another.
    “Price only” doesn’t cut it anymore. We must consider farm/factory floor to sales/floor so that we feel good about our purchases.
    Out of site, out of mind is thinking of the past.
    If all this is not important than why are companies trying to convince us they are ‘green’ or that they ‘give back to the community’.
    Food for thought.

  43. celia says:

    this is rediculous.
    i know people that have three chicken farms and they sell their chickens to mcdonalds. i’ve seen the farms and the killing methods and these claims are absolutely untrue.
    offensive? absolutely. but it’s peta that’s being offensive this time.

  44. Zephyr says:

    That may very well be true for what you have seen on your friends farms, and that is great. BUT the reality is that the majority of farms in the United States and Canada DO operate under the abhorrent conditions described by Alex. Almost nobody truly understands just what the raising and slaughtering of animals really involves. We mass produce animals in a way that is completely unnatural and bad for both the animals and ourselves in the long run. Because of this many people don’t WANT to know. It’s a sad reality, but there is a price to pay for the meat we eat and many of us will never understand it until it’s too late. (we need to change the way we raise livestock for the better)

  45. Lily says:

    This is so funny. I work at McDonalds. I wonder how the managers would react if I just walked in wearing one of these..

  46. boyter5075 says:

    If its free its for me!

  47. Justine says:

    I got this response from peta today,

    Hi Justine,

    Thank you for your interest in PETA’s McCruelty campaign. Unfortunately, due to a high volume of requests that exceeded our projections, we are unable to process your order for an “Evil Ronald” mask. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

    The good news is that with more than two weeks left until Halloween, there’s still enough time to make your own “Evil Ronald McDonald” costume. To get you started, we’ve even made a printable version of the mask available for you to download.

    Don’t forget to visit McCruelty to learn about more ways to help the hundreds of millions of birds who are killed for McDonald’s each year. Thank you for understanding and for everything that you do to help animals! I look forward to working with you to pressure McDonald’s into giving birds a break.

    For all animals,

    Cassandra Callaghan
    Assistant Activist Liaison
    McCruelty Campaign
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

  48. rosie says:

    thats so gross ! omg i will never eat there again ! PETA is amazing ….BUT that SHIT that theyre saying about Burberry and Donna Karan is completely FAKE !


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