GoCoupons.ca has a great new offer available for Fontaine Sainte products, and you will find this offer through the link below. There is a new printable coupon offer for a free Fontaine Sainte Dark Chocolate Delight 227g when you purchase any Fontaine Sainte product.
To print the coupon you must have an account with GoCoupons.ca, so if you don’t have one you can take a moment to register. You will be able to locate the coupon offer by clicking the Ontario tab. It also appears that you can print the coupon every 15 days, so after that time has passed you can check to see if the offer is still available and print it again.
The Dark Chocolate Delight is a hummus product, but having sampled it in the past at Costco, I can tell you that it simply tastes like chocolate, and you would likely never know it was hummus!