Free Johnson & Johnson Baby Sample Pack Canada!


I have recently received a free New Parent Pack of samples from Johnson & Johnson. To receive this pack of samples for your baby, all you have to do is email or call Johnson & Johnson! If you’re not a mommy, then pass it along to friends and family 🙂

To email them, simply click HERE. Select “General Question, Complete your shipping details”. In the message box make sure to type “Request for New Parents Pack”. Enter your correct mailing address! You can also call the Canadian toll free number 1-800-361-8068. Mention the “Free New Parents Pack” to the representative that answers the line and they will help you out with sending your pack of free samples!

My pack contained:

  • Johnson & Johnson Baby Lotion
  • Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder
  • Johnson & Johnson Head to Toe Body Wash
  • Johnson & Johnson Shampoo
  • Penaten Diaper Cream

I stashed all of these items in my diaper bag, so I have them whenever I need them 🙂 Enjoy!

Click here to email Johnson & Johnson Canada, or call 1-800-361-8068

8 responses to “Free Johnson & Johnson Baby Sample Pack Canada!”

  1. Just had a baby boy would be nice I am currently using all theses products

  2. Mags says:

    I contacted them by e-mail, and was sent a coupon for the baby pack. Had a bit of a hard time finding it, but eventually located it at one particular Walmart. FYI.

  3. Melissa says:

    They also sell them at babies r us

  4. Miss Pickle says:

    Yes I have seen the packs at wal-mart, shoppers and babies r us.. Not sure where else they may be but will keep my eye open 🙂

  5. Grayce says:

    My daughter is expecting her 1st baby and she’s looking forward to receiving a new Parents Pack. Thanks for posting.

  6. priyanka says:

    i received my new parents pack coupons .i got them from babies r us.

  7. Faiza says:

    Hi, im mom to be, need free jhonson baby sample pack.

  8. Hi iam mom to be need free baby sample


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