Free ‘No Farms No Food’ Bumper Sticker Sent to Canada

Local Food and Local Farms

American Farmland is now sending their free bumper sticker ‘No Farms No Food’ to Canada. American Farmland is an association that supports and protects farm and ranch land and works to improve the economic viability of agriculture. This is such an important cause for the United States, Canada and, well, everywhere! Surfing through this site you’ll find great reminders why it is so important to support our local food growers.

This hits home for me right now because, though I know it’s small potatoes (no pun intended), my family grew our first vegetable and fruit garden this year. Just last night we harvested our apples (the tree was mature in the yard when we started our garden :-)) and spent two hours making (very yummy) applesauce. Every body was tired and ready to order Dominos after about half an hour which was a great headway into a very important discussion about how hard farmers and food processors work to ensure that we have affordable and healthy food on our tables. All this combines to remind me to attend my local farmers market this weekend.

To get your free bumper sticker and explore American Farmland click here.

3 responses to “Free ‘No Farms No Food’ Bumper Sticker Sent to Canada”

  1. fanofearl says:

    Congrats on your homegrown applesauce! I’ve been an urban gardener all of my life and really enjoy canning and preserving our homegrown fruits and vegetables. There’s absolutely nothing like opening a jar of something homemade on a dark, cold winter’s day and reliving an all-too-short summer for a moment!

  2. siobat says:

    I tried to send away for this, but it still says USA only.

  3. Robin says:

    In the drop down box where you select a state you can select your province. Let me know if that works!


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