Thanks to Andit for coming up with this awesome idea! Andit created a contact card for us 😀
Inspired by her idea, I created a whole bunch of shopping related templates such as a Shopping List, Price book, member card and many more! I hope you like them!
Maroon Version
- Member Card (to give out to friends, family, cashiers, etc.)
- Shopping List – 4 Columns
- Shopping List – 3 Columns
- Freezer Inventory
- Pricebook
- Letterhead (empty)
- Letterhead (you can type you address at bottom before printing it)
Less Ink-intense Version
- Member Card (to give out to friends, family, cashiers, etc.)
- Shopping List – 4 Columns
- Shopping List – 3 Columns
- Freezer Inventory
- Pricebook
- Letterhead (empty)
- Letterhead (you can type you address at bottom before printing it)
If you’d like me to design other templates please let me know what template you’d like and I’ll work on it 😀
Note: These templates may only be printed and distributed for personal use and cannot be used to represent in an official way.
can i use the letterhead to write to companies as a representative of smartcanucks?
No lol
Letterheads are purely for personal use 🙂
pretty sweet!
and if you “forget” one in your shopping cart … it might spark some new members lol
Thanks Boo & Andit. You rock & those templates look awesome. Love the Freezer template…no more getting frost nipped, lol. Are there any word/excel versions?
Member Card? I prefer a Business Card that highlights SC’s services, such as daily deals, flyer list, coupons, shopping discussions, etc. I don’t like explaining non-stop when people ask me what exactly is on SC. Consider it free advertising, attract people with SC’s uniqueness.
this is awesome… thanks…
Lol Cookoo if you dont like it dont use it.
neat idea but now people will use it and pretend to be official Sc’ers
Good idea Cookoo!
I’ll create something like that 😀
I like the shopping lists! I agree that a business card with the e-mail address and some info would be great too!
These are wonderful! Thanks for taking time to create these! How about a coupon trackin sheet with room for expiry dates, to help keep track of what we have and when they expire? Thanks for taking time to create these!
Love the pricebook!!!
Great tools. Thanks for these!!!
Good advertising for you and good tools … thanks!
This was a great idea Boo and Andit! I am a proud member of SC and now I can flaunt it! lol
I was thinking the same thing about the business card with website url etc. AND it would be great if we were able to type in our own SC user name( example, Fuzzy_Navel) on the business card and get referal recognition! 🙂 I know some of us have already been telling loads of friends and even complete strangers we meet at stores about this great site!
Thanks Boo…. great idea
I’ve been using this ultimate grocery checklist. Saves me a lot of time.
I don’t get what the letterhead is for.
But these little things are SO useful and cute!
I might print this out at school, just to save ink on my own printer, LOL.
This is great. Thanks for them.
This is such bright and great idea. That s very nice to heard.