FREE umbrella, tote bag or travel mug!

Select your freebie of choice on the left hand side at the bottom of the page. 🙂

Click here for your FREE umbrella, travel mug or tote bag!

Thanks to twenty47 and FreebieExpert for posting this freebie in the forums!

4 responses to “FREE umbrella, tote bag or travel mug!”

  1. FreebieExpert says:

    This is a repost of what I initially posted in the forums. Please amend the credit given.

  2. FreebieExpert says:

    This is a repost for the post that I initially posted. Please amend the credit given because otherwise it isn’t very fair.

  3. mrsjanuary says:

    im sorry, i was unaware that this was a repost. i have given you credit as well, thanks 🙂

  4. sj says:

    have to wonder , suddenly so many freebies have sprung up , is it because of” Do not call list”?


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