Free VH Sauce For Completing a Short Survey


Visit the VH Canada Facebook page, and if you qualify for and complete the survey regarding their page, you will be rewarded with a coupon for a free VH Sauce. Click here to get started!

6 responses to “Free VH Sauce For Completing a Short Survey”

  1. Dm says:

    does not work

  2. amandabananda says:

    I get this error
    This app is no longer available.
    This app was created using SnapApp, a marketing platform used to build engaging content, such as sweepstakes, contests and quizzes.

  3. Rosa says:

    Me too!

  4. marisa says:

    Np with survey 2 secs ago & got msg coupon will be sent so will see if it comes. But survey now closed.

  5. paapu says:

    I get this message
    This app is no longer available.
    This app was created using SnapApp, a marketing platform used to build engaging content, such as sweepstakes, contests and quizzes.

  6. Stephanie says:

    Said its done.


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