I was taking a look at our Flyer Sneak Peaks posted on the blog and forums and noticed a fantastic opportunity at Freshco Canada!
Previously AnneDougherty posted about a WebSaver Canada Coupon to save $2.00 off Dempster’s Whole Grains Bread and now Freshco has a sale from August 14th through to August 20th, 2014 on Dempster’s Whole Grains Bread for only $1.99 which means if you have received your WebSaver.ca Canada Dempster’s Coupon in the mail, you can get FREE Dempster’s Whole Grains Bread!
Hopefully you have received your WebSaver coupon already! If not, it should come soon. If you did not order it yet, take the time to do so now as I have seen sales like this on the Dempster’s Bread quite often and you can use it to get yourself some free bread the next time around.