Kellogg’s Cheez-It crackers can be yours for just under $1 this week with this deal at Freshco Ontario. Until Wednesday this week, both Pringles and the Cheez-It crackers are on sale for $2.49. If you head over to the Kellogg’s Shop & Save coupon portal through the link below, there is a printable coupon available for $1.50 off the purchase of Cheez-Its.
Print and use this coupon and pay just 99 cents for the Cheez-Its this week. If you’d rather have the coupon mailed to you and wait for a lower sale price, you have that option as well. If you pop in to Freshco you can also keep your eyes peeled for a tear pad coupon that you might find there. There is a new coupon for $1.50 off the purchase of Cheez-It Crackers or Pringles that has recently been spotted.
Click here to view this offer in the Freshco Ontario flyer.
Click here to get your coupon for $1.50 off the purchase of Cheez-It crackers.