FreshCo: Price Match GradeA Turkey For Price Of Utility Turkeys


Get a Grade A turkey at FreshCo for the price of a utility turkey from any local flyer.  Simply show a competitor’s flyer in-store and they will give you a Grade A turkey at the per pound price of the competitor’s utility (or Grade A if cheaper) turkey.  Details are on the front page of their own flyer if you have any problems price matching this deal.   So far, Food Basics has the best deal on utility turkeys at $0.77/lb

4 responses to “FreshCo: Price Match GradeA Turkey For Price Of Utility Turkeys”

  1. joe says:

    I have a silly question…….what is the difference between a Grade A turkey and an Utility Turkey?

    • FallenPixels says:

      Grade A turkeys are full complete turkeys with a full skin etc, utility turkeys are ones that did not make Grade A, they are still completely fit for consumption but may have torn skins or missing wins/legs etc after processing and are usually used when you just want the meat or bones (like for pies or soups)

  2. Colum says:

    Is food Basics the only one with Utility Turkeys in their flyer? Is this price matching to them?

  3. KG says:

    Does anybody know if FreshCo has any small sized cook-from-frozen turkeys?


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