Future Shop Canada Deals: South Park The Stick of Truth Grand Wizard Edition for XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3 Only $49.99 + Free Shipping

south park stick of truth future shopFuture Shop Canada has put the awesome game South Park: The Stick of Truth Grand Wizard Edition for Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 on sale for only $49.99. This is an excellent price as opposed to the last regular retail value of $65!

This Future Shop Canada deal looks like it is available online and in stores while quantities last. Shipping will also be free, which is another great bonus.

In this South Park Game, you start as the new kid in town. You will face the ordinary new kid challenges like making friends. As you progress in the game, the children of South Park are occupied with a live action role playing game in which they cast imaginary spells on each other.

Eventually this simple child’s play escalates and threatens to take over the over with the battle of good and evil. It is your job to locate the stick of truth and be South Park’s Savior.

Enjoy 🙂

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