GameStop/EB Games Canada Weekly Deals

Canadian Deals & Coupons


GameStop/EB Games have put out their weekly flyer.  There ae some decent deals in it this week for the gamer in your family.

HALO Reach for $39.99

BioShock 2 for $9.99 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC

BRINK for $29.99 for Xbox 360, PS3 it is $19.99 forPC

Hunted The Demons Force for $29.99 for Xbox 360 and PS3 it is $19.99 for PC

Also buy Driver San Fransisco for PS3 and Xbox 360and get 3 exclusive cars only available from GameStop.

2 responses to “GameStop/EB Games Canada Weekly Deals”

  1. Eric says:

    Bioshock 2 for $10? I may just have to grab that.

  2. Melody Fousek says:

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