Garage and Dynamite Canada have added new items to their respective sale sections for their Sale Into Summer. You can currently save up to 50% off these items at Dynamite Canada, and up to 70% off items at Garage Canada.
Dynamite has tops from $10, dresses from $20, and denim from $30. They also have an exclusive loyalty offer at the moment. Shop online or in-store from now until July the 10th to get a digital coupon for $25 off a future purchase. This digital coupon will be valid from August the 27th to September the 10th.
Garage also has sale items that start at $10, and shipping is free from both Garage and Dynamite on orders of $65 or more. Returns by mail are free as well.
Click here to shop up to 50% off select items from Dynamite.
Click here to shop up to 70% off select items from Garage.